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Relive the #OSFAIR2023
Recordings are now available on our YouTube channel and all presentations in our dedicated Zenodo community.
Relive the #OSFAIR2023
Recordings are now available on our YouTube channel and all presentations in our dedicated Zenodo community.


Open science (also referred to as Open Scholarship or Open Research) is at a crossroads. Implementation and adoption are progressing, with researchers, research institutions, funding agencies, service providers and infrastructures all engaging at various levels. However, different models are emerging which produce a seemingly fragmented ecosystem and achieve small steps on top of traditional scholarly communication system. In order to enable international and interdisciplinary research, we need to ensure interoperability across communities and services while still maintaining our ability to support diversity of workflows and knowledge systems.


OS FAIR 2023 is organised as an emblematic initiative of OpenAIRE, a not-for-profit organisation to ensure a permanent open scholarly communication infrastructure to support European research. This year the event will be co-organized with FECYT, from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, key European projects and global initiatives. The OS FAIR 2023 will also be one of the key events organised under the auspices of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.


OS FAIR 2023 aims to bring together and empower open science communities and services; to identify common practices related to open science; to see what are the best synergies to deliver and operate services that work for many; and to bring experiences from all around the world and learn from each other

Conference topics

Charting the course: reimagining Open Science for next generations

Advancing and reforming research assessment (RRA) and Open Science; connections, barriers and way ahead

  • Alternative assessment approaches
  • How to value all contributions to the scholarly process?
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Funding & institutional support

AI impact on Open Science and Open Science impact on AI

  • AI tools and platforms impact for research
  • Ethical considerations
  • Natural Language processing, Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation
  • Copyright and legal aspects (text and data mining, reproducibility, transparency, reusability of training and trained models and access to training materials for reproducibility)

Innovation & disruption in scholarly publishing

  • New emerging publishing models
  • Diamond Open Access; regional initiatives, projects and plans
  • Rights Retention; primary and secondary publishing rights, 
  • Multilingualism in academic publishing

FAIR Data, software & hardware

  • Collaborative development
  • Open licensing and the new wave of EU data legislation.
  • Reproducibility
  • Interoperability 

Openness in research & education

  • Open Education
  • Open Educational resources (OERs)

Public Engagement & Citizen Science

  • Community driven research initiatives
  • Tools and technology for public engagement
  • Open data and scientific literacy


REGISTRATION now open! Register and join us


Workshops | Lightning talks | Demos | Posters
Submissions deadline (now extended):

24th April 2023

30th April 2023

Notification of acceptance / rejection: June 2023

  • Expected Outcome

    The conference will include keynotes by distinguished speakers, roundtable discussions, workshops and training sessions, as well as a demo session. It will bring together perspectives from different actors and will suggest ways on how communities can work together to produce roadmaps for the implementation of Open Science.

  • Targeted audience

    Research communities and infrastructures, libraries, repository managers, content providers, service providers research administrators and facilitators of research, learned societies, publishers, policy makers and funders, citizen science groups and initiatives, innovators in scholarly communication.

Meet our speakers

OSFair will host key scientists, policy makers and science stakeholders from around the world who will provide inspirational views on how open data and open science influences all aspects of life, policy makers who will tell us what lies ahead, infrastructure/service providers who will present their solutions, and innovators who will bring in their ideas and their notion of openness.


Madrid, Spain


In collaboration with
Under the auspices of