OS FAIR 2023 gives the opportunity to individuals, organisations and initiatives to present their work and ideas addressing one of the conference topics.
The call for Lightning talks & Demos is an opportunity for individuals, teams and projects to showcase the latest knowledge and potential solutions to support Open Science and FAIR data in the academic, commercial or public environment.
BY APRIL 30th 2023.
Topics of interest
Topics of interest include:
Advancing and reforming research assessment (RRA) and Open Science; connections, barriers and way ahead
Alternative assessment approaches
How to value all contributions to the scholarly process?
Equity, diversity, and inclusion
Funding & institutional support
AI impact on Open Science and Open Science impact on AI
AI tools and platforms impact for research
Ethical considerations
Natural Language processing, Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation
Copyright and legal aspects (text and data mining, reproducibility, transparency, reusability of training and trained models and access to training materials for reproducibility)
Innovation & disruption in scholarly publishing
New emerging publishing models
Diamond Open Access; regional initiatives, projects and plans
Rights Retention; primary and secondary publishing rights,
Multilingualism in academic publishing
FAIR Data, software & hardware
Collaborative development
Open licensing and the new wave of EU data legislation.
Openness in research & education
Open Education
Open Educational resources (OERs)
Public Engagement & Citizen Science
Community driven research initiatives
Tools and technology for public engagement
Open data and scientific literacy
Please note that the Open Science Fair 2023 is intended to be an in-person event. We expect all contributors (or their representatives) to be able to attend the conference on the premises.
*note that you have to copy alldetails of your proposal in the submission portal(in the abstract section).
Authors are asked to submit a short proposal (300 - 500 words) that describes the main contributions of the Lightning talk / Demo. Proposals should contain a brief abstract, place an emphasis on the motivation for the work, and summarize contributions being presented.
- Abstract length should be a minimum of 300 words and should not exceed 500 words. - The language of the conference will be English; therefore, the abstract must be in this language. - All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by members of the Conference Programme Committee.
*Please indicate whether you would be interested in presenting your work as a lightning talk or a live demonstration when submitting (either by mentioning it in the abstract or by adding a note for the reviewers).
For lightning talks we will apply the 24/7 rule: 7 minute presentations comprising no more than 24 slides. Successful presentations are fast paced and have a clear focus on one idea.
Demos and Lighning talk proposals will be evaluated primarily on their potential to stimulate interesting discussions, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and promote collaborations. Additional criteria are:
Impact on the wider community
Level of innovation
Openness and Fairness of the solution / method / product
Quality of the abstract
Special consideration will be given to ensure that a variety of topics and geographical / cultural range will be represented. Applications will be evaluated by the Conference Programme Committee (blind peer-review).
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: 30 April, 2023
Notification of acceptance / rejection: June, 2023
Conference Dates: 25 – 27 September, 2023
Please note that the Open Science Fair 2023 is intended to be an in-person event. We expect all contributors (or their representatives) to be able to attend the conference on the premises.