Channeling Open Science for a sustainable management of the ocean
Organised by Blue-Cloud, FNS-Cloud, BE OPEN, Cos4Cloud
Sept 20, 16.30 - 18.00 CEST
3 Researchers, Policymakers, Research infrastructures, EOSC, Service providers, Citizen scientists
1 Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities Value added data products/services from open science Training and skills for open science European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data Citizen science: barriers and opportunities for collaboration
Ocean science, Sustainable Development, Blue economy
Experts, researchers and IT developers from the transport (BE OPEN) and food thematic (FNS-Cloud) clouds as well as ESFRIs and discipline projects and actors (Cos4Cloud and others) will be invited to discuss challenges and gaps of Open Science technological frameworks where to tackle cross-disciplinary research aspects, raising from management and mining of nutrition data from fisheries and aquaculture, environmental data, data coming from the transport and mobility sector, energy sector or tourism.
The workshop wishes to contribute to the further development of discussions and collaborations in Open Science towards a better management of the ocean, in the context of European and international initiatives such as the EU Green Deal, the UN Ocean Decade, the Belém and Galway Statements and the SDGs.
As demonstrated by the requirements of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, Open Science has become a fundamental aspect of research across all disciplines. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative is a crucial part of this commitment and will link scientific communities, infrastructures, institutions, projects in Europe and beyond, ensuring that research data and results can be accessed, reused, combined to better tackle grand societal challenges.
This need for strengthening OS principles and practices is also reflected in a range of long-term initiatives in specific domains, such as the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development launched by the UN this year. One of its goals is to bring about “a transparent ocean with open access to data, information and technologies”.
The H2020 project Blue-Cloud sails between these two currents, as the envisioned thematic entry point to EOSC for the ocean science community, strengthening and promoting OS culture in the marine domain by federating existing infrastructures and developing collaborative tools for research.
Ocean science has tight connections with a range of overlapping domains, increasingly involved in the EOSC ecosystem and with each other via joint use cases and successful collaborations. In this workshop, we are bringing together perspectives on Open Science and its future development towards contributing to a better management of the ocean, in the context of European and international initiatives such as the Green Deal or the SDGs.
5' Welcome & introduction, Sara Pittonet Gaiarin
30' Channeling Open Science for a sustainable management of the ocean: best practices and collaboration opportunities
- A transport Observatory for Promoting Open Science. Afroditi Anagnostopoulou, CERTH and BE-OPEN
- Food Nutrition Security (FNS)-Cloud, Siân Astley, EuroFIR (BE)
- Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy. Dick Schaap, Maris and Blue-Cloud
- Co-designed citizen observatories for the EOSC. Karen Soacha, ICM-CSIC and Cos4Cloud
7' pitch session from each speaker including brief introduction of the projects, best practices in the Open Science and collaboration opportunities among the projects
50' Challenges and gaps of Open Science technological frameworks
Moderated Panel discussion with open poll questions (moderator: Sara Pittonet Gaiarin)
- Dick Schaap, MARIS (Blue-Cloud),
- Afroditi Anagnostopoulou, CERTH (BE OPEN),
- Siân Astley, EuroFIR & Karl Presser Premotec (FNS-Cloud),
- Karen Soacha & Jaume Piera, ICM-CSIC (Cos4Cloud),
- Iván Rodero, EMSO ERIC (Cos4Cloud)
5' Wrap-up and closure, Sara Pittonet Gaiarin
Sara Pittonet Gaiarin, Trust-IT Services (Blue-Cloud)
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Dick Schaap, Maris (Blue-Cloud)
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Karen Soacha, ICM-CSIC (Cos4Cloud)
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Jaume Piera, ICM-CSIC (Cos4Cloud)
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Ivan Rodero, EMSO ERIC (Cos4Coud)
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Afroditi Anagnostopoulou, CERTH (BE OPEN)
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Siân Astley, EuroFIR (FNS-Cloud)
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Karl Presser, Premotec (FNS-Cloud)
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- @FNSCloudEU
Federico Drago, Trust-IT Services (Blue-Cloud)
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- @BlueCloudEU
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Learning lessons from FAIR data implementation. Good practices from universities across Europe
Organised by FAIRsFAIR
Sept 20, 16.30 - 18.00 CEST
RDM and FAIR trainers, research support staff, librarians, Vice-Rectors for Research and European and national policy makers
Training and skills for open science
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data
FAIR data, Open Science, universities, skills training, sustainability, impact
By the end of this workshop participant will:
- Have learned more on national-driven and institutional initiatives focused on fostering the implementation of Open Science practices.
- Have a greater understanding and recognition of relevant legal, organisational, and cultural differences between national and regional systems.
- Have drawn inspiration from good practices across Europe.
Diverse initiatives are being developed and implemented by universities across Europe to foster the uptake of the research data management (RDM) and FAIR data skills necessary to bring forward the transition to Open Science. Lessons can be learned from bringing together their experience in different legal, organisational and cultural contexts, providing inspiration and points for reflection for other universities transitioning to Open Science.
The workshop will discuss with participants the analysis of good practices of universities across Europe that are being gathered by the FAIRsFAIR project. Preliminary results from this ongoing study will be presented, highlighting the drivers, impact and implementation steps behind the initiatives taken by institutions to integrate RDM and FAIR data skills in university curricula. The shift towards hybrid models of teaching data-related skills is also addressed in the analysis, showing how the COVID-19 pandemic created not only challenges but also surprising opportunities for the implementation of Open Science practices in universities.
Findings will include information on legal, organisational and cultural differences between regional and national systems in Europe, which will allow to contextualise university initiatives. Comments and feedback from participants beyond Europe will be welcomed and will further improve the cross-border exchange of good practices.
The workshop will be of interest to RDM and FAIR teachers, trainers and practitioners, as well as European and national policy makers. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own institutional experiences in an engaging and interactive way, through breakout rooms and a digital workspace set in Mural.
- Welcome and introduction of the FAIRsFAIR project
- Bregt Saenen, FAIRsFAIR and European University Association [presentation]
- Learning lessons from FAIR data implementation: first findings from the report “Good practices in FAIR competence education”
- Federica Garbuglia, FAIRsFAIR and European University Association [presentation]
- FAIRsFAIR Data Steward instructor training series: our approach and some observations
- Elizabeth Newbold, FAIRsFAIR and Science and Technology Facilities Council [presentation]
- Supporting the implementation of FAIR data skills in university teaching
- Joy Davidson, FAIRsFAIR and University of Glasgow, Angus White, FAIRsFAIR and University of Glasgow [presentation]
- Supporting the implementation of FAIR data skills in university teaching
- 3 breakout rooms on sharing best practices for universities
- Wrap up
- Bregt Saenen, FAIRsFAIR and European University Association
Bregt Saenen, European University Association
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- @euatweets
Federica Garbuglia, European University Association
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- @euatweets
OpenAIRE-CONNECT: co-design workshop with research communities
Organised by OpenAIRE
Sept 20, 16.30 - 18.00 CEST
Research infrastructures, research communities, and their members. The user base of existing OpenAIRE community gateways will be invited to the workshop, which is anyway open to any interested person
Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods
Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities Training and skills for open science
OpenAIRE, Open science practices, Open Science toolkit, community building
Participants will learn about the different and common needs of research communities and infrastructures in terms of support for the implementation and uptake of Open Science practices. As output of the workshop, participants will define the high-level roadmap for the next releases of the OpenAIRE gateways, helping CONNECT to get even closer to the RCs and RIs and the gateways at becoming a more user-friendly and effective entry point to Open Science for researchers.
OpenAIRE offers a number of services and tools for the effective implementation of Open Science practices. With CONNECT, OpenAIRE engages with research communities (RCs) and infrastructures (RIs), delivering customised Open Science gateways to lower the barriers that hinder the adoption of Open Science practices and to support community building and strengthening. Each gateway is an Open Science toolkit that includes a customizable discovery portal, with which communities can interact via a web interface or API, tools to support reporting (e.g. to funders) and track the uptake of Open Science practices.
With this workshop, the (actual and potential) users of the gateways will gather together with the CONNECT product manager and key members of the technical team to discuss ideas, requirements and improvements to different aspects of the Open Science gateways such as GUI elements, user experience, content (documentation, best practices), integrated services (both OpenAIRE and community-specific services).
After a brief presentation of CONNECT and other relevant OpenAIRE services, the participants will be actively engaged in brain-storming and co-design sessions with the support of online collaborative tools (e.g., Trello, Miro or similar).
The workshop is an opportunity for research communities to learn about their different needs in terms of support for the implementation and uptake of Open Science practices, for example by identifying (i) common challenges; (ii) strategic actions that can be applied at the communication, training and technical level; (iii) domain-specific barriers to Open Science that can be addressed with the help of OpenAIRE. As output of the workshop, participants will define the high-level roadmap for the next releases of the OpenAIRE gateways, helping to strengthen the connection and cooperation between OpenAIRE, RCs, and RIs and improving the effectiveness of the gateways as entry points to Open Science for researchers
5’ Introduction and warm up
10’ Open Science: discussions with the audience on barriers and priorities in research communities
10’ OpenAIRE CONNECT and community gateways: an Open Science toolkit for research communities. Features and known gaps (presentation and demo)
10’ Brainstorming with the audience: the “good” and the “bad” of the OpenAIRE gateways for research communities (with the support of online tool)
45’ Co-design sessions (with the support of online tool) focusing on:
- Access to community content about Open Science (e.g. training material and best practices)
- Integration with other OpenAIRE services and products (e.g. API, dumps, Argos, Amnesia)
- Integration with/link to community services (community/project web portal, community data analysis services, community forum, etc.)
- Using the gateway functionality (“Link”, “Deposit”, “Search”)
- Gateway content selection criteria
10’ Wrap up and draft of the high-level roadmap (with the support of online tool)
Alessia Bardi, CNR-ISTI
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André Manuel Monteiro Vieira, University of Minho
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Miriam Baglioni, CNR-ISTI
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Argiro Kokogiannaki, Athena Research Center
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Paolo Manghi, OpenAIRE
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