Ellen Leenarts
Short CV
Ellen is project manager and coordinator Training and Consultancy at DANS. In the past few years she has been involved in several European projects; for European Open Science Cloud in EOSCpilot, OpenAIRE, EUDAT and EOSC-hub. Also other projects like the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, Social Sciences Data Archives Consortium
(Training) and SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud). Most of these projects have a training component that Ellen has been working on, e.g. the taskforce Research Data Management of National Open Access Desks in OpenAIRE or the Community of Practice of training coordinators (OpenAIRE) and new learning resources like the Data Management Expert Guide for CESSDA.
About Workshop
Title: Making EOSC Training more FAIR
17th September, 1st part (14:00), 2nd part (16:30)
See full programme here.