Odile Hologne
Short CV
Odile Hologne is delegate for scientific and technical information at the French Institute for Agricultural Research – www.inra.fr/en where she has responsibility for implementing open access and open data policy and services. She is thus involved in many international working groups dealing with open science in the agri-food sector and these include GODAN (Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition), RDA (Research Data Alliance) and GO FAIR.
An expert consultant to RDA Europe 3 and coordinator of the H2020 project eROSA “Towards an e-infrastructure roadmap for open science in agriculture” www.erosa.aginfra.eu, Ms. Hologne co-chairs the “Collège données” https://www.ouvrirlascience.fr/research-data-college/ of the French National Plan for Open Science, and is a member of the GO FAIR executive board. She is also in the EOSC Secretariat working group which is designing the rules of participation for EOSC users, providers and operators. e dab rig
About Workshop
Title: Services to support FAIR Data: Formulating recommendations for EOSC
18th September, 09:00
See full programme here.