Paolo Manghi
Short CV
Paolo Manghi (PM) is a (PhD) Researcher in computer science at Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), in Pisa, Italy. His research areas of interest are today data e-infrastructures for science and scholarly communication infrastructures, with a focus on technologies supporting open science publishing within and across different disciplines, i.e. computational reproducibility and transparent evaluation of science. He is the Technical Director of the OpenAIRE infrastructure, coordinator of the
H2020 OpenAIRE-Connect project, and technical manager and researcher for the EU-H2020 infrastructure projects OpenAIRE-Advance, OpenAIRE2020, SoBigData.eu, PARTHENOS, EOSCpilot, Data4Impact, OpenUP, eInfraCentral, and RDA Europe series. He is an active member of Research Data Alliance WGs, member of EC projects advisory boards, of the ResearchObject.org, GreyNet, RD-Switchboard initiative, Open Science Monitor WG for the European Commission, and World Data System ITO Technical Advisory Committee.
About Workshops
Title: Open Science Graphs Interoperability Workshop
When: 17th September, 11:00
Title: How identifiers can help you in Open Science
When: 17 th September, 14:00
See full programme here.