Prodromos Tsiavos
Short CV
Prodromos is the Head of Digital Development at the Onassis Cultural Centre and a Senior Research Fellow at The Media Institute (TMI), London. He is currently advising Athena Research Centre on legal and ethical aspects of data science. Prodromos has worked for the National Hellenic Research Foundation (National Documentation Centre), the European Commission, Oslo University and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He is currently teaching Legal and Ethical Aspects of Data Science at the Athens University of Economics and Business. He read law and Information Systems in Athens and London and holds a PhD in Law and Information Systems from the LSE. Prodromos has worked as an adviser for the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the Special Secretary for Digital Convergence, as well as public and sector bodies and private companies in the cultural and creative industries. He has over 120 publications and talks on legal and business aspects of open technologies, digital content and IPR management. Prodromos is chairing the administrative council of the Greek Industrial Property Organisation and serves a member of the Board of the European Patent Academy.
The Big Mechanism: from text to experiments using text mining
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative aims to accelerate and support Open Science and Open Innovation in the Digital Single Market. The vision is to enable trusted access to services, systems and the re-use of shared scientific data across disciplinary, social and geographical borders through a globally interoperable infrastructure and lightweight international governance. Funders and research organizations (universities, research centers, and by extension other intermediary actors in the space, like research libraries) not only need to be aware of the development of the EOSC policy framework, but also need to play an active role in its development as major stakeholders in the Open Science landscape.
This interactive workshop will showcase the initial steps towards an emerging EOSC policy framework, and seeks at validating the current work and future direction in the EOSCpilot project. It will engage stakeholders from funding agencies, research organizations and research libraries in a constructive discussion around opportunity and challenges for its current and future development and the aligned implementation at national and local level.
DAY 2 - 11:30 Parallel Session 3
Towards a Policy Framework for the European Open Science Cloud: The EOSC Pilot Perspective
See full programme here.