Ron Dekker
Short CV
Ron Dekker is the director of CESSDA ERIC, the Consortium of Social Science Data Archives, with its main office in Bergen, Norway.
CESSDA is a European Infrastructure with 20 members (countries) and combines the work and expertise of these countries’ social science data service providers, see www.cessda.eu. On behalf of CESSDA, he is also the coordinator of the Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud project (SSHOC). He is a member of the European Open Science Cloud Executive Board and serves in several strategic advisory boards.
Ron studied econometrics and worked for ten years in labour market research at Dutch universities. He was at the national research council for almost twenty years – running a data agency, program committees and in general management (institutes, infrastructure and open science). This included secondment to the Dutch government for project leadership on Open Science of the Dutch EU Presidency in 2016 and as national expert at the European Commission in Brussels in 2017.
About Workshop
Title: The Journey to EOSC - preparing at national level
17th September, 11:00
See full programme here.