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Monitoring Open Science in the context of incentives and rewards for Open Science

The workshop aims to establish the context for Open Science Policy and Research Assessment and to provide a brief overview of the importance of monitoring Open Science practices and policies, and to offer insights from the collective efforts of the OPUS, GraspOS, and PathOS projects.

  • @OpenAIRE_eu, #EOSC

The workshop aims to establish the context for Open Science Policy and Research Assessment and to provide a brief overview of the importance of monitoring Open Science practices and policies, and to offer insights from the collective efforts of the OPUS, GraspOS, and PathOS projects.

Open Science is the new way to conduct research. However, despite the growing adoption  of Open Science principles, the research community is still struggling to keep up with fragmented research policies and the lack of incentives and recognition for researchers' activities. Each country may have its own national policy, institutions may have developed their own roadmaps, along with several national and European funders. These policies increasingly mandate Open Science practices, particularly Open Access to publications and research data management and sharing, which influences the research process and consequently the way research and researchers are assessed. This transformation intensifies the need for an evidence-based view of the evolution of Open Science and its impact in order to facilitate stocktaking and efficient policy making. The discussion not only involves indicators and measures, but also supporting infrastructures and technological solutions. A growing number of projects, including OPUS, GraspOS, and PathOS, as well as policy initiatives like CoARA, are actively addressing reforming research assessment to incentivise and reward Open Science. These efforts involve the establishment of observatories and the alignment of national and institutional policies, while also considering supporting infrastructures and technological solutions.

The speakers will explain the activities of different projects and initiatives, debating with the audience on the challenges and opportunities of aligning policies and practices developing a new research assessment system to incentivise and reward Open Science. The session will conclude with an invitation to the audience to provide feedback and engage in the communities of practices to further promote responsible research assessment and Open Science.

In conclusion, the workshop will provide an overview of the current state of Open Science practices in research monitoring and assessment. It will highlight the importance of monitoring the uptake of Open Science and of promoting Open Science practices to enhance the effectiveness of research assessment and lead to better research outcomes. The session will offer attendees an opportunity to engage with the speakers and provide feedback on their work, as well as to explore how they can contribute to the advancement of Open Science practices.

Preesentations are available here


  • DATE:
    25 September 2023
  • ROOM:
    Main Auditorium



Eloy Rodrigues

University of Minho

Inge Van Nieuwerburgh


Eva Méndez


Gareth O'Neill

Technopolis Group

Ioanna Grypari

Athena RC

Bregt Saenen

Science Europe

Ismael Rafols

CWTS, Leiden University

Giulia Malaguarnera


Neil Jacobs

UK Reproducibility Network

Short Bios

  • Eloy Rodrigues

    Eloy Rodrigues is the Director of the University of Minho Libraries . Eloy has been working on repositories, Open Access and Open Science for almost two decades, having established University of Minho ins titutional repository in 2003, and coordinating the UMinho team which works on RCAAP (Portugal Open Access Science Repository) since 2008. At international level he has being working on several EU funded projects (like OpenAIRE and FOSTER ) related with Open Access and Open Science and is member of the European University Association Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science . Eloy was the Chair of the Executive Board of COAR, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories from 2015 to 2021, and in that role contributed actively to Next Generation Repositories initiative, the Pubfair conceptual model and the ongoing Notify Project .
  • Inge Van Nieuwerburgh

    Inge has been involved in Open Science and scholarly communications activities since she started to work at Ghent University library in 2004. She holds a Master in Germanic philology Dutch/English) from Ghent University and a certificate of supplementary study in library and information science, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen (UIA). Since the onset she has been involved in the OpenAIRE projects, and its predecessor DRIVER, as part of the networking team and the steering committee. In the legal entity OpenAIRE she is chair of the general assembly and executive board.Throughout the years Inge has been active in several national and international expert groups such as the expert group Open Science of the European University Association and working groups in the Flemish Open Science board.
  • Eva Méndez

    Eva Méndez holds a PhD in Library and Information Sciences (LIS) and is an expert in metadata. She defines herself in her Twitter profile as an ‘open knowledge militant’ (@evamen). She has been a lecturer at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), LIS department since 1997.She has been an active member of several international research teams, advisory boards and communities including: DCMI, OpenAire, Metadata2020, RDA, etc. In 2005-06 she was awarded a Fulbright Research Scholarship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). She has taken part in and led several research projects and acted as advisor to many more in the fields related with standardisation, metadata, semantic web, open data, digital repositories and libraries, in addition to information policies for development in several countries. In 2015 she won the Young Researcher of Excellence award of her University. In November 2017 she was named “Open Data Champion” by SPARC Europe. She is currently Deputy Vice President for Scientific Policy-Open Science at UC3M and member of the EU-OSPP (European Open Science Policy Platform) on behalf of YERUN (Young European Research Universities Network). She is the OSPP chair for the 2nd mandate of the platform.
  • Gareth O'Neill

    Gareth O'Neill is a Principal Consultant on Open Science at Technopolis Group specialising in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), Open Science, and Research Careers. He is an ambassador for Plan S under cOAlition S, work package leader on policy and strategy in the EOSC Future project where he is also coordinating the EOSC Observatory, and work package leader on developing indicators and metrics for Open Science in the OPUS project.
  • Ioanna Grypari

    Dr. Ioanna Grypari is a technical project manager and data product owner at Athena Research and Innovation Center (ATHENA RC), with a background in applied microeconomics. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota, as well as an M.Sc. in Econometrics from the London School of Economics and a B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics and Economics from Brown University. In her academic career, Dr. Grypari had focused on political economy issues with emphasis on the identification of causal effects. At ATHENA RC, she leads the development of big data KPIs and interactive data visualization platforms, contributing to European initiatives such as OpenAIRE, IntelComp, and Data4Impact. Dr. Grypari has also taught a range of undergraduate and post-graduate courses in economics.
  • Bregt Saenen

    Dr Bregt Saenen is Senior Policy Officer for Open Science at Science Europe. He has previously worked for several membership and policy organisations, including the European University Association, DG EMPL of the European Commission, SOLIDAR, and the EU office of the International Labour Organization. Bregt has a doctorate in EU Studies from Ghent University in Belgium and was a visiting researcher at New York University. He also has a Master of Science in EU Studies from Ghent University, as well as a Master and Bachelor of Arts in History.
  • Ismael Rafols

    Ismael Rafols is a senior researcher at CWTS and UNESCO Chair on Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science. He has  been involved in policy initiatives ‘responsible metrics’, such as the implementation of UNESCO’s Open Science Recommendations, the Leiden Manifesto, the EC Expert Group on Open Science Indicators, on or discussions on biases against research topics from the Global South in assessment and databases.  He received an MSc in Science and Technology Policy from SPRU (Sussex), a BSc in Physics from the Univ. Barcelona, a PhD in biophysics from Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan) and was a postdoc in nanobiotechnology at Cornell University. Before CWTS, he worked at SPRU (Sussex) (2005-12) and Ingenio (CSIC-UPV) (2012-19). In between academic positions, he has worked on international cooperation in Oxfam and the City Council of Barcelona. Full list of publications available in GoogleScholar and ORCID.
  • Giulia Malaguarnera

    Giulia Malaguarnera works at OpenAIRE as Outreach and Engagement Officer, engaging user and partners in the development of scholarly communication services. She works in EOSC Future in the users feedback for the EOSC Portal, and in GraspOS in the dataspace architecture and user engagement. Recently she is also deputy for OpenAIRE in the CoARA WG "Towards Open Infrastructures for Responsible Research Assessment".  Giulia is a Researcher with experience in academia, industry, and policy. She is PhD in Neuropharmacology, worked at the University of Catania, University College London, and in France with the MSCA-IF (H2020) in a startup company. She is former President of Eurodoc and current Board Member in the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) volunteering in policy activities for early-career researchers.
  • Neil Jacobs

    Dr Neil Jacobs is head of the Open Research Programme at the UK Reproducibility Network, and leads projects on indicators, reward and recognition, training, evaluation, research culture, sustainable infrastructure and narrative approaches to research reporting. He was previously a senior strategy advisor at UKRI, the main UK public research funder, focusing on research integrity. Prior to that he has played leading roles on open science in the UK Government, Jisc and cOAlition S. He is the chair of the supervisory board of the Directory of Open Access Books.


    • Introduction on the landscape on monitoring open science in the context of research assessment (Eloy Rodrigues, University of Minho)
    • Presentation of the projects on open science:
      • Incentivising and Rewarding Researchers for Open Science, OPUS, Gareth O'Neill (Technopolis)
      • The Open Science Impact, PathOS, Ioanna Grypari (Athena RC)
      • An EOSC dataspace on Open Science for Research Assessment, GraspOS, Giulia Malaguarnera (OpenAIRE)
    • Roundtable discussion on the evaluation of open science in research assessment
      • Researchers perspective, Ismael Raphols (CTWS)
      • National perspective, Neil Jacobs (UK Reproducibility Network)
      • Infrastructure perspective, Inge Van Nieuwerburg (OpenAIRE)
      • Funders, Bregt Saenen (Science Europe)
    • - Q&A and Conclusion