Accepted proposals
- Application of RRI and Open Science in Public Service: bridging the gap between society and policy and decision makers. Gonçalo Praça, Marília Cunha and Olga Glumac.
- Data Discovery Across Disciplines. Peter Kraker, Johana Chylíková, Petr Knoth, Christian Pietsch, Jochen Schirrwagen, Nataliia Sokolovska and Heinrich Widmann.
- Defining FAIR in the SSH: issues, cultures and practical implementations. Elena Giglia and Arnaud Gingold.
- DSpace 7.0, OpenAIRE Guidelines, CRIS and ORCID. João Mendes Moreira, Paulo Lopes, Michele Minnielli and Dimitris Pierrakos.
- Dutch law and routes to Open Access: a national copyright law pilot project as an inspiring example?. Arjan De Rooy and Just De Leeuwe.
- Fostering a FAIR research culture - what works?. Jos van Wezel, Eva Mendez, Francisco J. Núñez Benjumea, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Isabelle Perseil, Brian Matthews, Joy Davidson, Najla Rettberg, Natasha Simmons.
- How identifiers can help you in Open Science. Frances Madden, Helena Cousijn, Paolo Manghi and Jessica Parland-von Essen.
- Lessons Learned From a Year of European Open Science Training (ORION Project). Emma Harris, Zoe Ingram and Luiza Bengtsson.
- Making EOSC Training more FAIR - EOSC Training Catalogue workshop for training coordinators and researchers. Ellen Leenarts, Iryna Kuchma, Rene van Horik, Angus Whyte, Gergely Sipos, Celia van Gelder, Daniel Bangert and Giuseppe La Rocca.
- Open Science Graphs Interoperability Workshop. Paolo Manghi, Amir Aryani, Martin Fenner and Wouter Haak.
- RDA-pt The Portuguese node of the Research Data Alliance. Cristina Ribeiro, Maria Manuel Borges, Irene Rodrigues, José Borbinha, João Miranda, Pedro Moura Ferreira, Eloy Rodrigues and Francisco Barbedo.
- Research Assessment in the Transition to Open Science: A workshop on the results of a Europe-wide university consultation. Bregt Saenen and Pastora Martínez Samper.
- Research Libraries Supporting Open Science: Mapping & Supporting European Skilling and Training Initiatives. Martina Torma, Astrid Verheusen, Friedel Grant and Cecile Swiatek.
- Services to support FAIR Data – Formulating recommendations for EOSC. Mustapha Mokrane, Daniel Bangert, Emilie Hermans, René van Horik and Maaike de Jong.
- The Journey to EOSC - preparing at national level. Najla Rettberg, Iryna Kuchma, Gergely Sipos, Daniel Bangert, Elli Papadopoulou, Lene Krøl Andersen and Ilaria Fava.
- The Utopia of Innovative Open Research Infrastructures. Benedikt Fecher, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Sascha Friesike, Rebecca Kahn and Nataliia Sokolovska.
- Time to Professionalise Data Stewardship. Maria Cruz, Marta Teperek and Angus Whyte.
- Towards an alliance of citizen science in Europe. Carlos Catalão, Gonçalo Praça, Maria Inês Vicente, Maria Fernanda Rollo, Antonia Correia and Pedro Príncipe.
- A Demonstration of Jisc's Sherpa Services. Frank Manista and Azhar Hussain.
- Coney: A Conversational Approach to Enhance Engagement in Surveys. Damiano Scandolari, Mario Scrocca, Gloria Re Calegari and Irene Celino.
- Dendro: a FAIR data management and repository software. Lázaro Costa and João Rocha da Silva.
- Distributed open research for AI analyses. David Suter.
- FAIR Tools for Open Science: Sharing Experiences with DSpace-CRIS/GLAM and Dataverse/CKAN. Susanna Mornati.
- Fostering self-archiving of research papers in open repositories with Dissemin. Lucas Verney, Antonin Delpeuch, Antoine Amarilli, Patricia Mirabile, Pablo Rauzy, Marie Farge and Pierre Senellart.
- GDPR, Anonymized Data and Open Science. Manolis Terrovitis and Lorenzo Cristofaro.
- Implementing the Open Science cycle with EGI Jupyter, DataHub, GitHub, Zenodo and Binder. Gergely Sipos and Enol Fernandez.
- Monitoring open access in a university. Anna Rovira and Ignasi Labastida.
- Open Access Tracking Project: The most comprehensive tool to stay up to date with the most recent Open Access developments. Peter Suber and Nancy Pontika.
- Open data on how research is shared: come see!. Rachael Lammey.
- OpenAIRE Content Provider Dashboard: the gateway to Open Science for all content providers. Pedro Príncipe, Sefania Martziou, Claudio Atzori, Paula Moura and André Vieira.
- OpenAIRE Research Community Dashboard: Enabling Open Science publishing for Research Communities and Research Infrastructures. Pedro Príncipe, André Vieira, Alessia Bardi and Miriam Baglioni.
- OpenDMP: a collaborative workspace for delivering DMPs. Georgios Kakaletris, Diamantis Tziotzios, Ioannis Kalyvas, Elli Papadopoulou and Maria Francesca Iozzi.
- Sticky platforms: How to create user-driven research data services. Leonard Mack, Hannes Wünsche and Sonja Schimmler.
- The Turing Way: A handbook for reproducible data science (demo). Rachael Ainsworth and The Turing Way.
- A train-the-trainer program for sustainable research data management training. Kerstin Helbig.
- Achieving Open Science through OpenAIRE. Gultekin Gurdal, Ilkay Holt and Gonul Kafali Can.
- BE OPEN - European forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport. Caroline Almeras, Afroditi Anagnostopoulou and Maria Boile.
- Building Open Research, Development and Innovation Know-How - a Model for Lahti University of Applied Sciences. Johanna Kiviluoto and Riikka Sinisalo.
- CORE: the world’s largest aggregator of open access research papers. Petr Knoth, Lucas Anastasiou, Matteo Cancellieri, Bikash Gyawali, Drahomira Herrmannova, Sergei Misak, Samuel Pearce, Nancy Pontika, David Pride, Svetlana Rumyanceva, Maria Tarasiuk and Viktor Yakubiv.
- Critical trends, drivers & barriers of RRI and Open Science. Luciano D’andrea and Helene Brinken.
- DataCite: an integral piece in solving the FAIR puzzle. Mary Hirsch.
- Discover Citizen Science through Open Science. Aliki Giannakopoulou.
- eduTDM: Text Mining Scientific Literature Without Barriers. Petr Knoth, Bikash Gyawali and Nancy Pontika.
- EnviDat – Towards the Next Generation of a FAIR Environmental Data Repository with Enhanced Support for Open Science. Ionuț Iosifescu Enescu, Gian-Kasper Plattner, Thomas Kramer, Matthias Häni, Dominik Haas-Artho, Lucia Espona-Pernas and Konrad Steffen.
- Evaluation tool of FAIR criteria literacy and compliance to foster research data sharing. Romain David, Laurence Mabile, Mohamed Yahia, Mogens Thomsen and Anne Cambon-Thomsen.
- Experimental introduction of RRI and OS into RFPOs using the quadruple helix approach. Nikos Zaharis, Andrea Riccio, Nancy Pontika, Petr Knoth, Raquel Maria Almeida and Catarina Miranda.
- FAIR Data Principles and Open Science training: compliance and challenges. Patrícia Miranda and Pedro Ferreira.
- FAIR data-intensive Science in SKA Regional Centers. Julián Garrido Sánchez, Sebastián Luna, Susana Sánchez Expósito, Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro and Michael Jones.
- Fostering the use of research data by firms and citizens. Seliina Päällysaho and Jaana Latvanen.
- From intent to implementation: Public involvement in life science research. John Burns, Kora Korzec and Emma Dorris.
- GO FAIR Implementation Network on Cross-Domain Interoperability of Heterogeneous Research Data. Peter Mutschke.
- Governance settings for Institutional embedded Responsible Research and Innovation and Open Science. Luciano d'Andrea, Andrea Riccio, Pedro Príncipe and Antonia Correia.
- Identifying synergies and engaging communities across national, regional and global levels: Strategies within the GO FAIR initiative. Ines Drefs and Silvia Wissel.
- Identifying, naming and interoperating data in a Phenotyping platform network : the good, the bad and the ugly. Romain David, Jean-Eudes Hollebecq, Llorenç Cabrera-Bosquet, Hanna Ćwiek-Kupczyńska, François Tardieu and Pascal Neveu.
- Insights into the Economy of Open Scholarship: A Collection of Interviews. Gwen Franck and Melanie Imming.
- Machine-actionable Data Management Plan for Fiocruz. Patricia Henning, Viviane Veiga, Jefferson Lina, Erick Penedo and Simone Dib.
- Making the most of Open Science: integrated services along the research life cycle. Fieke Schoots, Saskia Woutersen-Windhouwer and Laurents Sesink.
- NI4OS-Europe: Building National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe. Ognjen Prnjat, Eleni Toli, Electra Sifacaki, Elli Papadopoulou and Edit Görögh.
- Open Access Directory: ten years of creating simple factual lists to document the growth of open access. Anne Britton, Nancy Pontika, Peter Suber and Lisa Terrat.
- Open Research Data: Experiences from UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Glennda Villaflor.
- Open Science and RRI in the transition from H2020 to Horizon Europe. Marisa Borges.
- Open Science in Greece: synergies and actions enabling the national transition. Natalia Manola, Maria Ntaountaki, Lia Ollandezou, Elli Papadopoulou and Giannis Tsakonas.
- Open Science in Oman: Initiatives and obstacles. Obaid Al Saeedi.
- Open Science Quest. Jonathan England.
- OpenAIRE Helpdesk: supporting and guiding you to best practices in Open Science. Pedro Príncipe, André Vieira, Paula Moura, Najla Rettberg and Ilaria Fava.
- OpenAIRE Monitor Dashboard: an added value service for Funders and Research Initiatives. Angelica Vos.
- OpenAIRE: the Open Science Pillar of the EOSC. Ilaria Fava and Najla Rettberg.
- Pocket Library for Open Content: Untapping the Potential of Green Open Access for Research. Nataliia Sokolovska and Rodger Burmeister.
- Qeios — To give researchers the power to produce, publish and share the world's best knowledge. Gabriele Marinello, Alberto Bedogni, Giorgio Bedogni, Alberto Marinello and Marcello Fuschi.
- Reliability and perception of open metrics. Maxie Gottschling and Astrid Orth.
- Reshaping the Australian national eResearch infrastructure environment - putting FAIR first. Ian Duncan.
- Rethinking research indicators through the lens of Open Science: a HuMetricsHSS “value of values”. Simone Sacchi and Nicky Agate.
- Setting the scene for a sustainable national repository network in Serbia. Biljana Kosanovic, Milica Ševkušić, Vasilije Rajović and Nenad Popović.
- SHARE - The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe: experience of a single group using this open access database. Marta Almada, Luís Midão, Diana Portela and Elísio Costa.
- Social Sciences and Humanities community building on training. Ellen Leenarts, Vasso Kalaitzi and Irena Vipavc Brvar.
- TAIL— Research data management from creation to deposit and sharing. Cristina Ribeiro, João Rocha da Silva, Angela Lomba, João Aguiar Castro, Yulia Karimova, Joana Rodrigues and Carla Teixeira Lopes.
- The Centre Mersenne, supporting the move towards open access. Célia Vaudaine.
- The EOSC Portal: the access point to the EOSC. Ilaria Fava, Najla Rettberg, Sara Garavelli and Jelena Angelis.
- The OpenAIRE Research Graph Expansion and the new Content Acquisition Policy: widening the scope. Pedro Príncipe, Paolo Manghi, Alessia Bardi, Jochen Schirrwagen and André Vieira.
- The Role of Research Managers in the Advocacy of Open Science. Reingis Hauck and Anneke Meyer.
- The Turing Way: A handbook for reproducible data science (poster). The Turing Way and Rachael Ainsworth.
- Understanding the Implications of Implementing FAIR Data Principles in the Life Sciences. Ebtisam Alharbi, Carole Goble and Caroline Jay.
- User scenarios to promote the use of FAIR data on health research. Marta Almada, Diana Portela, Luis Midao, Sinaci, Núñez-Benjumea, Parra-Calderón and Elisio Costa.
- Users’ needs and research practices in data reuse: translating the FAIR principles in to reality. Roberta Ruggieri, Lucio Pisacane and Daniela Luzi.
- Vietsch Foundation and the support of Open Science. Valentino Cavalli and Lígia Maria Ribeiro.