Blue-Cloud 2026 combines EOSC and marine research communities, facilitating access to diverse datasets and analytical services, contributing to the development of a federated European ecosystem, delivering FAIR & Open data and analytical services for in-depth research on the ocean, seas, and inland waters. It offers tools like Data Discovery & Access Service, Virtual Research Environment, Thematic Virtual Labs, and Essential Ocean Variables Workbenches. Blue-Cloud 2026 is enhancing core services, integrating analytical tools, and collaborating with key stakeholders, supporting the EU Green Deal and promoting healthy aquatic ecosystems. Coordinated by CNR, Trust-IT Services and MARIS, the project involves a committed team of 40 partners from 13 EU countries.
FAIR-IMPACT Expanding FAIR solutions across EOSC
With the ambitious goal to realise an EOSC of FAIR data and services, the FAIR-IMPACT project supports the implementation of FAIR principles across scientific communities at European, national and institutional level through a matrix of coordination, engagement and support activities.
The project identifies practices, policies, tools and technical specifications to guide researchers, repository managers, research performing organisations, policy makers and citizen scientists towards a FAIR data management cycle. The focus is on persistent identifiers (PIDs), metadata, ontologies, metrics, certification and interoperability, starting with real-life use cases on social sciences and humanities, the photon and neutron sciences, life sciences and agri-food and environmental sciences.
FAIR-IMPACT is providing a support programme offering set of support actions that will help applicants from Research Performing Organisations, Data service providers and Repositories, and national level initiatives, learn how to use specific tools/methods/approaches which will help them start (or continue) their journey to becoming more FAIR-enabling.
In order to maximise collaboration with the EOSC and FAIR ecosystems, FAIR-IMPACT deploys three main coordination mechanisms: a Technical Bridging Team, FAIR Implementation Team and Synchronisation Force, and sets up a group of EOSC FAIR Champions that will act as ambassadors for FAIR, engage their communities, and advocate for adoption of the project results.
FAIR-IMPACT “Expanding FAIR solutions across EOSC” is funded by the European Commission Horizon Europe programme. It is coordinated by DANS and supported by 27 additional partners from 11 countries.
Public administrations in all countries and science, technology and innovation (STI) stakeholders produce a vast amount of dynamic, multilingual and heterogeneous data. Understanding and analysing these data is instrumental to evidence-based policymaking. The EU-funded IntelComp project will establish an innovative cloud platform to assist public administrators and policymakers in the STI domain with AI-based services. IntelComp will engage multidisciplinary groups to co-develop innovative analytics services, natural language processing pipelines and AI workflows and to exploit open data, services and computational resources from the European Open Science Cloud and high-performance computing environments as well as federated distributed operations. The project will adopt living lab methodologies and involve public and private stakeholders to explore and assess STI policies.