Libraries, research administrators, Open Science Infrastructure providers, funders
Competence centers: models, integration and coordination, Skills within the wider research context, Sustaining open science training: people, resources, governance
Open access, Books/monographs, Toolkit, Licensing, Funding, Peer review, OA business models, OA book publishing services
While open access (OA) book publishing is on the rise, a number of challenges persist, such as a lack of awareness and misconceptions about OA book publishing amongst authors. To help authors better understand OA for books and increase trust in OA book publishing, OAPEN has created a community governed, free-to-use online resource for book authors: The OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit. It was launched in October 2020 and has been adopted by authors, libraries, and research support teams across the Globe.
The toolkit provides reliable information, relevant both for researchers and those supporting researchers. It offers guidance at different stages of the research life cycle, such as planning and funding and publishing options.
This session will offer a tour through the toolkit showing how it works and zooming in on a few key topics like funding, quality assurance, licensing, and publishing services in the OA book publishing process.
The aim is that delegates will come away inspired and equipped to use the toolkit and/or to support authors in their own organisations.
Niels Stern, OAPEN Foundation
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