A turning point in research assessment on the road to open science: an approach from the social sciences in Latin America
Laura Rovelli - Coordinator, Latin American Forum for Research Assessment
The presentation introduces the state of scientific policies on open access and open science in Latin America and explores their impact on research assessment. It is based on a recent and exploratory study in eight countries of the region, where the approach to knowledge as a public good and open access managed by the academic community, not for profit, stands out. The role of publishers, institutional repositories, universities and science and technology agencies and councils is explored, whereas some of the key barriers to encourage change are identified. Last, the main issues and challenges for research assessment promoting openness, collaboration and participation in the production and circulation of knowledge in the region are discussed.
Laura Rovelli
Laura Rovelli coordinates since 2020 the Latin American Forum for Research Assessment (FOLEC, in Spanish) of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) and is a member of the Advisory Council of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation - DORA. Her work in FOLEC-CLACSO is aimed at consolidating a Latin American space for the transformation of academic evaluation policies and practices in the region. Currently, she coordinates a research project funded by IDRC on governance and evaluation from the allocation of research funds in the Global South. In 2020, she co-authored with Dominique Babini the book "Recent trends in open science and open access in science policy in Iberoamerica", published by CLACSO and FundaciĆ³n Carolina and has been an observer representing CLACSO at the UNESCO intergovernmental meeting to elaborate a draft Recommendation on Open Science.
Laura Rovelli is a political scientist with a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, adjunct researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and associate professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) in Argentina.