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Lightning talk

An Open Science voice for the Humanities - a Humanities voice for Open Science.

Sept 22, 11.30 CEST

Policy makers and funders, Arts and Humanities researchers and research communities, publishers and content providers, libraries, research administrators, EOSC

Interdisciplinary collaborations: Networks, services, methods
Sustaining Open infrastructures, services and tools for research communities
Value added data products/services from open science
Training and skills for open science
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data

Open Humanities, Responsible career assessment, Open access to monographs, FAIR data, FAIR Cultural Heritage data

The digital transformation of research opened up radically new potentials in innovation and dissemination in all scientific areas. Open Science is becoming the new normal modus operandi in them, also as increasingly central conditions of research funding. Still, in many cases, the dominant impact of STEM disciplines on the Open Science paradigm makes it uneasy for Arts and Humanities scholars to translate these values to their everyday research realities. Therefore, it is crucially important to establish a dedicated discourse and community practices around the open research culture as it makes sense in the Arts and Humanities disciplines. DARIAH is in a unique position to push forward to an open ecosystem that is organically growing out from real community practices and needs.

The presentation aims to outline discipline-specific, yet widely interoperable models of Open Science emerging from community practices of arts and humanities. It will be shown how DARIAH, a pan-European infrastructure for arts and humanities builds an open agenda for arts and humanities research that is firmly grounded in disciplinary realities. This includes:

  • Providing a strong voice for arts and humanities research communities to be heard in European and national research policy debates, with special focus on career assessment
  • Supporting our communities in navigating themselves in this whole new world and providing Open Science advocacy to them in all career stages and levels of expertise.
  • Making arts and humanities’ contributions to Open Scholarship more visible both inside and outside the arts and humanities research communities.
  • Facilitating access to Cultural Heritage data
  • Building infrastructural components that enable open research practices across arts and humanities disciplines. 


Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra (DARIAH-EU)
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  • @etothczifra