Researchers, research Infrastructures and research communities, repository managers, research
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data Rules of Participation in EOSC
Long-term data preservation, procurement, data preservation, EOSC Sustainability, EOSC business models
Several research infrastructure clusters have highlighted the need for long-term data preservation as part of the Research Data Management (RDM) lifecycle. The EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) also emphasises the importance of advanced long-term preservation to allow reproducibility of research results towards a sustainable EOSC. The SRIA stimulates and encourages the development of innovative services supporting FAIR principles, as well as data stewardship and preservation across different phases of the research lifecycle using dedicated incentive schemes funded by the EC. Such schemes can include Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP)/ Public Procurement of Innovation Solutions (PCP/PPI), consisting of financial instruments for co-funding and de-risking the creation of innovative services to be procured by public organisations, co-developed with the private sector. Started in January 2019, using the EC PCP instrument, ARCHIVER is a unique initiative currently running in the EOSC framework that is competitively procuring R&D services for archiving and digital preservation that keep the intellectual control of data and supports the requirements of European research infrastructures, following best practices. This lightning talk will explain how ARCHIVER is providing a substantial contribution to the long-term data preservation vision for the EOSC, proposing a set of innovative services together with a model for facilitating the procurement of commercially supported services beyond the lifetime of the project. ARCHIVER is also extending the concept of FAIR principles to other research associated products, like software, workflows, services and even infrastructures, taking into account the live data and tools that need to be preserved, treating FAIR in the long-term and not only at the outset. An example of this vision is the integration of FAIRsFAIR evaluator (F-UJI) for validation of the resulting ARCHIVER services being developed.
Ignacio Peluaga Lozada, CERN
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