Open Science as transversal axis of the research management in MLIC universities
One of the main problems for the higher education institution in the promotion of the practice of Open Science (OS) is the limitations of resources to cover all the areas of OS. This lightning talk main motivation is to share the experience of Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica presenting how the Vice-rectory for Research assume this challenge integrating the Institutional Open Science Strategy as a transversal axis of the Research System.
The first step was to assess the maturity of the Institution to start the path of Open Science. A strategy of OS was designed prioritizing seven areas, namely: Open Access, Open Research Data, OS technological tools, OS Evaluation, Open Innovation, Citizen Science, OS declarations and guidelines. Then the issue of incorporating this strategy to the Research System was addressed. This System is part of the Quality Management System of the University, and its design includes six processes. Initially, it was thought of incorporating the open science promotion as one of the subprocesses of the System but during it construction we realized that the implementation of open science is not the prerogative of a process, and that the OS Strategy is wider than a subprocess. The decision was made to consider the management and promotion of OS an axis of dynamization of the System.
This implied the capacity building in the academic team that works in the Vice-rectory and the dialogue with other important actors involved in the research area of the Institution. Presently, the implementation of the Open Science Strategy is present in the actions and responsibilities of each of the System processes.
We believe that sharing this experience can support institutions with few resources to trace an implementation path of open science practice.