Open Science enablers, infrastructures and policies
Sharing best practices and knowledge, Sustaining open science training: people, resources, governance
TRIPLE, Training strategies, Engagement
In the last years, Open Science made a significant headway in European research policy and advocacy. Alongside the benefits of working towards enabling “open by default” in all disciplines, this momentum led to a complex, increasingly crowded and multidimensional landscape of Open Science enablers, infrastructures and policies. Questions of what exactly are we talking about when talking about the EOSC, how to navigate the latest generation of discovery services or whether to find no author-facing-fee OA funding schemes became recurrent points of discussions even among those who are actively involved in implementing certain aspects of the European OS roadmap.
TRIPLE is a H2020 project with a primary aim of developing a discovery platform for SSH. Within TRIPLE, we found it important to dedicate a specific task force to pave the way towards exchange and a shared understanding of the latest European Open Science advancements, filtered by the TRIPLE project perspective. Despite the original intention to address our events only to Consortium members, we decided to open them to the community and to focus on topics which have relevance for specific TRIPLE’s activities and tasks (i.e. the EOSC onboarding), and on services and solutions which are of interest to the whole community (i.e. Open Research Europe , and the EOSC state-of-the-art and objectives).
The presentation will specifically focus on:
the synergies that have been implemented with the main RIs in the SSH field (OPERAS, CLARIN, CESSDA, DARIAH) and with training coordinators communities (EOSC Skills and Training Working Group, OpenAIRE CoP of Training coordinators, SSHOC Training community, ICDI Competence Center)
the strategies adopted to a) provide support to TRIPLE members on Open Science and the EOSC via adequate training; b) engage new potential interested audiences in TRIPLE’s events; c) produce FAIR training materials, to ensure their reusability by the general public.
Lottie Provost, CNR
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