Experimental introduction of RRI and OS into RFPOs using the quadruple helix approach
Nikos Zaharis - SEERC, Andrea Riccio - Sapienza University of Rome, Nancy Pontika, Petr Knoth - The Open University, Raquel Maria Almeida and Catarina Miranda - ISQ
This workshop is focused on the concept of engaging the quadruple helix for RRI & OS, which are becoming pressuring concerns in the international research realm. The discussion & interaction with the audience will be based on show-casing the efforts of the H2020 funded FIT4RRI project (https://fit4rri.eu) towards designing a methodology for RRI & OS experiments. FIT4RRI moves from the assumption that there is a serious gap between the potential role RRI and OS could play in helping Research Funding and Performing Organisations (RFPOs) to manage the rapid transformation processes affecting science and the actual impact RRI and OS are currently having on RFPOs, research sectors and national research systems. FIT4RRI intendeds to contribute in bridging this gap, promoting viable strategies to activate institutional changes in RFPOs. During the workshop, experiment organizers from FIT4RRI will show-case their experience and will engage the public into an open discussion.
The experiments will show-case their strive to foster quadruple helix engagement in their RRI & OS embedment exercise. The first experiment, organized by Open University (UK), is focused on data mining and it aims at engaging the quadruple helix of top academic journal publishers and engage them into enabling open access to large data sets for data mining purposes. The second experiment organized by Liverpool University (UK) is focused on observing how the quadruple helix involved in optical monitoring experiments can work together to enable enhanced public engagement (science education) and ethics considerations. The third experiment, organized by Sapienza Università di Roma, while working on 3D printing & material science projects, aims at investigating matters of innovation governance and citizen engagement in science. The fourth experiment, organized by ISQ, Portugal (https://www.isq.pt/)looks into open science and governance matters in their effort to restructure their organizational R&D functions to embed RRI & OS.