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Open Science and RRI in the transition from H2020 to Horizon Europe

Marisa Borges - National Agency for Innovation - SiS.Net Project

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The beginning of Horizon 2020 brought with it a strong commitment with making Responsible Research and Innovation a guiding principle for the European Research Area. Building on six dimensions – gender equality, public engagement, ethics, governance, open access and science education – RRI became an umbrella concept used at the EU level and progressively adopted by practioners. In parallel, the concept of Open Science, which overlaps partially with RRI dimensions, gained momentum and the 3Os Policy by Commissioner Moedas set the tone for the last part of Horizon 2020. In the last years, these concepts, and the reflection, actions and changes they promote, have walked side by side, under the protection of Science with and for Society programme in H2020. However, this continuous and shared trajectory of development is being tested. On the one hand, policy-makers are looking for evidence of sustainable institutional changes which will later inform future measures, including funding priorities. On the other hand, the protection provided by Science with and for Society will soon disappear, as the proposal and general agreement on the future framework programme, Horizon Europe, will not keep this area as a specific programme.
This poster has three purposes: first, to provide information on how RRI and Open Science are being considered in Horizon Europe; second, to identify possible challenges to RRI and Open Science in a scenario where the funding for their development changes, and third, suggest specific measures to strengthen RRI and Open Science in the new Framework programme.