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Tilda – a solution at SLU/Sweden for e-archiving, long term preservation and publishing of research and environmental data

Authors & Affiliation

Renata Arovelius and Tomas Lundén. - SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)


Tilda is a common solution for a joint process for long term preservation, publication and sharing of research and environmental data. The primary motivation behind this project is the increasing demands to make publicly funded research data openly available, as well as legal requirements in Sweden to e-archive and preserve research data produced at universities.

The main focus is to produce uniform and clear routines and methods for data management, a system to support registration of metadata, e-archiving and publishing of datasets, and the possibility of linking datasets with publications. The publications can be found both within the university, in the institutional repository Epsilon or publication database SLUpub or in external sources. Another important objective is to communicate with various systems and portals, such as OpenAIRE, EUDAT, the INSPIRE geoportal and the future Swedish national research data infrastructure. Different metadata standards has been taken into consideration to achieve semantic and technical interoperability. Tilda will be well-matched into METS, PREMIS, DCAT-AP (for public sector data) and OpenAIRE/DataCite, to facilitate the possibility for metadata exchange.

The reusability, sustainability, trust and quality assurance of the data, also in the long term will be guaranteed by the establishment of a new university unit, Data Curation Unit (DCU). DCU is a joint co-operation between the University library, administrative units/university archives and data producers, and will be responsible for managing day-to-day procedures and handle training, support for data curation, support for data management plans, policy development and other activities.

Open Science, e-archive, DOI