Understanding the Implications of Implementing FAIR Data Principles in the Life Sciences
Ebtisam Alharbi, Carole Goble and Caroline Jay - The University of Manchester
The FAIR principles for data management has taken hold of policymakers, funding councils, communities, and publishers. These principles, however, are a set of aspirations that have now been elevated to rules and metrics. Moreover, the FAIRification of processes, datasets, and practices is not fully understood yet, and the potential implications for datasets, researchers, and agencies have not been fully developed.
This poster aims to propose a methodological framework to examine the implications of adopting FAIR principles in life sciences data, using access to the European Research Infrastructures ELIXIR and FAIRplus project as vehicles. This framework attempts to establish a bridge between FAIR data principles and their implementations in life sciences research to understand the benefits following implementation in the long-term. This framework will support collaborations among policymakers, science researchers, resource managers, and many other experts.
The main contributions of this poster are as follows:
- Identify the research gap to examine the implications of the adoption of FAIR principles in life sciences data.
- Provide an overview of a methodological framework to understand the impact of FAIR adoption on life sciences research.
The motivation to look forward at the Open Science FAIR 2019, Portugal is to receive valuable feedback on the poster that will be extremely helpful for the present project. This opportunity will support in learning more about what others are developing and how the developed framework may be integrated and shared and discussing the strongest needs for future development.