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DSpace 7.0, OpenAIRE Guidelines, CRIS and ORCID

Organisers & Speakers: João Mendes Moreira, Paulo Lopes - FCT, Michele Minnielli - Lyrasis – DuraSpace, Dimitris Pierrakos - OpenAIRE
Duration: 1.5 hr
Room: D. Maria Hall

This session will present the work done so far to integrate repositories in the research information management ecosystem (OpenAIRE Guidelines compliance, integration with CRIS and ORCID recommendations compliance). Participants will be asked for their feedback on the ongoing work. The workshop will lay the foundations for those who want to contribute in this community driven effort.

Workshop abstract

In September 2018 DuraSpace and OpenAIRE signed a Memorandum of Understanding that aims at strengthening collaboration between the two organizations and their communities in order to promote the gradual compliance of DSpace with the OpenAIRE Literature Repository Guidelines 4.0 and realization of optimal repositories as described in next Generation Repository. Since then, DSpace Governance and the technical community, with support of OpenAIRE has been working on the release of DSpace 7 which contains important new features that make compliance possible. The DSpace Entities Working Group worked on introducing new entities to facilitate compliancy, while new DSpace-OpenAIRE Working Group led by FCCN that follows is working on making the compliancy concrete. This work not only will allow DSPace 7.0 to be OpenAIRE Guidelines compliant but also has created the foundations to better integrate repositories in research information management ecosystem (Claim, deposit from third party systems, import/export/sync, authority control and metadata curation). The workshop will specifically address integration with CRIS systems and how ORCID recommendations for repositories are/will be addressed. In this workshop we will share an update on the work and show what has been done so far.
DuraSpace is an independent not-for-profit organization providing leadership and innovation for open technologies that promote durable, persistent access to digital data. It is currently in the process of merging with Lyrasis, another not-for-profit organization that supports enduring access to the shared academic, scientific and cultural heritage worldwide.
OpenAIRE is a European project and a network of dedicated Open Science experts to support, promote and provide training on Open Science.
At the same time OpenAIRE is also a technical infrastructure harvesting research output from connected data providers. OpenAIRE aims to establish an open and sustainable scholarly communication infrastructure responsible for the overall management, analysis, manipulation, provision, monitoring and cross-linking of all research outcomes.

target audience

Repository managers, libraries, research administrators, service providers and innovators.

Learning outcomes

After this workshop participants should be able to:

  • Understand the research information management ecosystem and the role of Institutional Repositories (IR);
  • Understand the added value of the DSpace 7.0 entities in particular the potential of integrating IR in the research information management ecosystem (Claim, deposit from third party systems, import/export/sync, authority control and metadata curation);
  • Know how DSpace 7 delivers OpenAIRE Guidelines;
  • Know the full potential of integrating Institutional Repositories and CRIS;
  • Present and future compliance with ORCID recommendations for IR.



  • Context
    • The research information management ecosystem and IR - João Mendes Moreira (FCT)
    • MoU OpenAIRE / Duraspace - Michele Mennielli (Lyrasis – DuraSpace)
  • Guidelines and recommendations (OpenAIRE and ORCID)
    • OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repository Managers (Release 4.0.0) – Dimitris Pierrakos (OpenAIRE)
    • ORCID recommendations - Michele Mennielli (Lyrasis – DuraSpace)
    • DSpace and Aggregator - João Mendes Moreira (FCT) / Paulo Lopes (FCT)
    • DSpace integration with CRIS Systems - João Mendes Moreira (FCT) / Paulo Lopes (FCT)
  • Community collaboration on:
    • DSpace 7 and compliance with COAR NGR and OpenAIRE V4 - Michele Mennielli (Lyrasis – DuraSpace)



17th September, 16:30

See full programme here.