EOSC Core: implementation plan, expectations and contributions from different stakeholders
Organised by EOSC Future
Sept 22, 09.30 - 11.00 CEST
Researchers, research Infrastructures and research communities, repository managers, libraries, service providers and innovators, EOSC organizations.
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR data FAIR data policy and practice: from theory to implementation, National EOSC initiatives, Thematic Clouds, Rules of Participation in EOSC
EOSC, FAIR, interoperabilty, standards, federation, co-design
Learning outcomes of the workshop:
- Expectations on the EOSC Core
- Benefits of the EOSC Core
- Potential contribution from the engaged organisations
The EOSC Future project will develop an environment with interoperable research outputs, including publications and code, as well as access to professional data services and resources such as compute,storage and preservation. It will federate existing research infrastructure in a ‘system of systems’ approach that will support European researchers in managing the entire lifecycle of data: from sharing, managing and exploiting their own data to discovering, re-using and recombining the data sets of others.
In particular, the EOSC Future project will support the establishment of the so-called EOSC Core. “The EOSC-Core provides the minimum functionality that is required to enable the federation of data and services across domains and countries. It supports FAIR data principles by providing the means to discover, share, access and reuse data and services. These elements address key technical, cultural and policy decisions of EOSC and they must be maintained over the long term” (SRIA v0.1).
This 90-minute workshop will provide an overview of EOSC Future’s plans for the implementation of a fully functional EOSC Core, highlighting how it could support and facilitate the daily work of researchers in the future. After an initial EOSC Future presentation on the EOSC Core, the workshop with continue with a panel discussion focusing on the following questions:
- What will be the impact of the EOSC Core on national and international research infrastructures?
- What are the needs and expectations of the research institutions (e.g libraries, repositories, universities, etc.)?
- What role will the EOSC Core and the standards we adopt play in an international context?
The input collected during the workshop will be used by the EOSC Future project to collect requirements for the EOSC Core. The workshop will be also a way to establish direct collaboration channels with the above-mentioned stakeholders
- 10´ Welcome and EOSC Future at a glance - Ron Dekker, EOSC Future Project Director
- 20´(incl. 5´for questions) EOSC Future’s plans for the implementation of a fully functional EOSC-Core - Klaas Wierenga, GEANT & Co-chair of the EOSC Future Technical Collaboration Board [presentation]
- Panel discussion moderated by Ron Dekker on the following topics:
- How do you interpret the EOSC-Core and how can it help you from your community perspective?
- How do you interpret the EOSC-Core and how can it help you from your organisational/institutional perspective?
- What is the contribution that you / the community you represent can bring to the EOSC-Core?
Panelists: Rudolf Dimper, PaNOSC cluster representative in EOSC Future & IT advisor to the ESRF Directorate; Hilary Hanahoe, Secretary General, Research Data Alliance; Steven McEachern, Director of the Australian Data Archive, Australian National University; Natalia Manola, CEO, OpenAIRE; Jan Meijer, Senior advisor international strategy, Uninett AS; Klaas Wierenga, GEANT & Co-chair of the EOSC Future Technical Collaboration Board
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