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Speaking FAIR implementation: moving from recommendations to supporting practical implementation by service providers

Organised by NI4OS-Europe & FAIRsFAIR

Sept 21, 09.30 - 11.00 CEST

primarily service providers and research communities; researchers

FAIR data policy and practice: from theory to implementation, RDM best practices, Sharing best practices and knowledge

Research Data Management, Metadata, Semantics, FAIR implementation, Research Data services

After the session, service providers will have a better understanding of how they are expected to respond to FAIR demands according to the type of service that they operate. Also, several research communities and researchers will learn about new services and how far these are in the process of FAIR implementation. Furthermore they will be introduced to the work on FAIR Semantics in order to understand the types of requirements and activities recommended by the FAIRsFAIR project for enabling I3 of the FAIR principles. 

Semantic artefacts are important aspects of the FAIR principles and therefore the EOSC, which is being designed to enable them: EOSC as the “Web of FAIR data”. Since the FAIR principles were published, recommendations for the compliance of researchers have been articulated in various guides. Training is also offered by actors, such as OpenAIRE, RDA, and CODATA. Recently, discussions have shifted focus to the role of Research Infrastructures and Service Providers to address actions needed for enabling the FAIRness of data. Considering that services handle data as input and/or output in their workflows.

This session is coordinated by NI4OS-Europe, in collaboration with FAIRsFAIR. NI4OS-Europe will highlight an activity to strengthen capacity of stakeholders to enable aspects of the FAIR principles which are most closely related to metadata and ontologies. Similarly FAIRsFAIR will present its work in this area.

NI4OS-Europe Group of Experts: established to contribute to NI4OS-Europe activities via training and focused group discussions. The aim is to articulate best practices for FAIR implementation and provide a pathway on integrations and/or alterations that are necessary for enhancing existing services or new services that are onboarded to EOSC via the NI4OS-Europe pre-production environment. This collaboration contributes to maximizing compliance with the FAIR principles as well as offering experts the possibility of onboarding their services via NI4OS-Europe.

The FAIRsFAIR “FAIR Semantics” Task: aims to support the creation of a federated semantic space by harmonising practices in the development and usage of semantics in representing and describing information and knowledge. It establishes guidelines for practitioners, repositories, the community, and related stakeholders. The FAIR Semantics recommendations consist of 17 Preliminary Recommendations related to the FAIR principles, and 14 Best Practices aimed at harmonising the approach to handling, using and developing semantic artefacts.

There will be presentations and discussions with Service providers, Researchers, Research Communities.


Welcome from the Director of NI4OS Europe - Eleni Toli, University of Athens / ATHENA [presentation]

Agenda & brief intro to the topic - Gerard Coen, DANS  [presentation]

Let’s speak! Mentimeter sessionElli Papadopoulou, OpenAIRE / ATHENA [presentation]

FAIRsFAIR “Recommendations for FAIR Semantics” - Gerard Coen, DANS [presentation]

“NI4OS-Europe: servicing the service providers” - Andreas Athenodorou, CYI [presentation]

Presentations from the NI4OS Semantics Expert Group:

  • ‘A semantic knowledge integration framework for interdisciplinary research communities’ - Valentina Vassalo, CYI [presentation]
  • ‘FAIR semantics a case study’ at the University of Debrecen - Ádám, Száldobágyi, University of Debrecen [presentation]
Q&A with Mentimeter - Elli Papadopoulou, OpenAIRE / ATHENA



Eleni Toli, ATHENA RC / OpenAIRE & NI4OS-Europe
  • @elentoli
Gerard Coen, DANS / FAIRsFAIR
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Elli Papadopoulou, ATHENA RC / OpenAIRE & NI4OS-Europe
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • @elli_lib
Andreas Athenodorou, CYI / NI4OS-Europe
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Valentina Vassalo, CYI / NI4OS-Europe
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Adam Szaldobagyi, University of Debrecen/ NI4OS-Europe
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