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Innovative dissemination practices and altmetrics

Organisers: OpenUP
Duration: 1.5 hrs
The workshop discusses the implications of open science for the research workflow in terms of dissemination and assessment. We will give concrete guidance to stakeholders on these topics, present best practice examples and give room for discussion and suggestions by the audience.

Theatrical workshop: Are you ready to perform in the RRI ecosystem?

Organisers: NUCLEUS H2020 EU project, represented by SCIENCE VIEW (Alexandros Koukovinis & Menelaos Sotiriou)
Duration: 1.5 hours

This workshop highlights the concept of a Support and Coordination H2020 action, namely NUCLEUS, which is targeted on Responsible Research and Innovation. It is aligned with the overall objective of the OSFair conference, answering to the impact of open science/novel ways of disseminating science.
What NUCLEUS project introduces, is that based on a common understanding that science and innovation are driving forces of sustainable and inclusive societies around the world, it will develop new cultural and organisational approaches allowing universities to better respond and react to societal needs and challenges. To pursue this goal NUCLEUS will develop, support and implement inclusive and sustainable approaches to “Responsible Research and Innovation” (RRI) within the governance and culture of European universities and research organisations.
A wide scale implementation roadmap and a future of science with and for the society will be presented in the most engaging way.