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Dendro: a FAIR data management and repository software

Lázaro Costa and João Rocha da Silva - INESC TEC / Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

The Dendro platform (, developed at FEUP’s InfoLab since 2014, was initially designed to support research data management (RDM) in a collaborative way, in preparation for their deposit in a data repository.

After realizing several limitations of existing platforms, we implemented a new version of Dendro in order to make the platform more FAIR. This new Dendro makes it possible to deposit and catalog datasets in Dendro itself. As such, a data repository is no longer required for making data available in the long term, as Dendro can now 1. package finished datasets, 2. mint DOIs automatically via DataCite, 3. allow creators to autorise accesses on demand, 4. allow creators to specify custom dataset access terms, 5. facilitate dataset retrieval via a faceted search interface and 6. ease citation through automatic citation snippets for every dataset.

In this interactive demonstration, we will present the new features of Dendro, from the storage of datasets as they are in active development to their deposit and retrieval via the faceted search interface.


  • 18th September, 11:30 - Demo presentations (2 min.)
  • 18th September, 12:00 - Demo sessions (20 min. x 3)

See full programme here.