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Fostering self-archiving of research papers in open repositories with Dissemin

Lucas Verney - CAPSH, Antonin Delpeuch - Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Antoine Amarilli - LTCI, Télécom ParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, Patricia Mirabile - SND, Sorbonne Université, Pablo Rauzy - LIASD EA4383, Université Paris 8, Marie Farge - LMD-CNRS, ENS & PSL and Pierre Senellart - DI ENS, ENS, CNRS, PSL University & Inria & LTCI, Télécom ParisTech

Dissemin ( is a web service which helps researchers ensure that their publications are free to read. It gathers information from various metadata sources and analyses the online availability of each paper, classifying them into:

  • Papers which are openly available from the publisher itself or from the authors in an open access repository;
  • Papers which are not openly available but could be uploaded legally by the authors to an open access repository as it is allowed by the publisher’s policy;
  • Papers which are not openly available and for which the publisher’s policy is unclear;
  • Papers which cannot be uploaded to an open repository according to the publisher’s policy.

Beyond providing this analysis, Dissemin lets researchers browse a profile, with a visual list of all their known publications and their open access status. They can then upload their publications to a selection of open repositories (HAL, Zenodo, and soon OSF preprints and SWORD-compatible repositories). Dissemin makes it more convenient to deposit them in repositories, because it pre-fills all metadata about the publication (title, authors, abstract, etc.), and offers a single unified experience.

The publication metadata are also exposed through an API (Application Programming Interface), to provide developers and other web services with aggregated and structured metadata to build visualizations or research analytics. This has already been reused to write a Wikipedia bot to add open access versions of cited papers (OAbot), to identify papers from US federal government employees or to build an alternative open access DOI resolver (DOAI).

The Dissemin service has been initiated by the French non-profit organization CAPSH (Committee for the Accessibility of Publications in Sciences and Humanities) and is currently being supported through a partnership with PSL University, Couperin and the Opening project.


  • 18th September, 11:30 - Demo presentations (2 min.)
  • 18th September, 12:00 - Demo sessions (20 min. x 3)

See full programme here.