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Implementing the Open Science cycle with EGI Jupyter, DataHub, GitHub, Zenodo and Binder

Gergely Sipos, Enol Fernandez - EGI Foundation, João Pina - Portuguese Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (LIP)

This demonstration will display a practical and realistic implementation of the Open Science cycle, combining services from the European Open Science cloud and from the open source domain. The demonstration will go through the main features of EGI Notebooks, EGI DataHub, GitHub, Zenodo and Binder and will combine those services in a scenario that covers the full cycle of open science: 

  • EGI Notebooks is a scalable Jupyter Notebooks service hosted on the EGI Cloud. 
  • EGI DataHub is a data access platform that can gather distributed datasets from distributed data repositories and stage them to compute sites for data analytics. 
  • GitHub is a public service on the internet, widely used to version, store and share software code. 
  • Zenodo is a scientific publication, data and research artifact publication repository by OpenAIRE. 
  • Binder is an online service that accepts Notebook applications and makes them re-executable with 'one-click'. 

The demonstration will combine these tools by setting up an analysis, executing it on a scalable cloud compute platform, sharing the analysis application in a permanently identifiable way (with DOI usable in scientific publications), discovering the analysis code and re-executing it. 
The demo combines services that are available via the European Open Science Cloud portal (EGI Notebooks, Zenodo), services that are in the EOSC onboarding pipeline (EGI DataHub), and services that are very popular in software development (GitHub, Binder). The demo demonstrates how EOSC services – in combination with each other and with other public services – can facilitate Open Science. 
The scenario was exercised in the past in recent training tutorials. For example a tutorial with 55 participants was delivered following this scenario in Taipei at the International Grids and Cloud Symposium (ISGC) in April 2019. The materials of the tutorial are available with open access for reuse.


  • 18th September, 11:30 - Demo presentations (2 min.)
  • 18th September, 12:00 - Parallel Presentations (3 sessions x 20 min.)

See full programme here.