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Monitoring open access in a university

Anna Rovira - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Ignasi Labastida - Universitat de Barcelona

In 2018 we launched the Open Access Observatory as a collaborative project between the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya . The main of the project was to share best practices and evidences to promote open access bringing evidences for research managers and policy makers. We launched the project with an analysis of the current situation of open access in our institutions by analysing the scientific publications from 2011 to 2017. Moreover we proposed a methodology to estimate the expenditure in open access publishing since our institutions have not a central payment system in place. A year after, we have gathered data from all the Catalan public universities and we have the aggregated picture. Moreover the Spanish Network of Spanish University Libraries is studying the use our methodology for all its members. The demo will consist in how to perform the analysis by gathering data from the sources (Web of Science and Scopus), how to merge the results and query the results to Unpaywall and finally how to analyse the results obtained and classify the different open access flavours. Moreover we will perform the calculation of the expenditure in open access publishing following the methodology we proposed. We will also show the caveats of this monitoring system and how it can be combined with other monitoring tools. We think this demo will provide the skills to any librarian or research manager to reproduce this analysis for their own institution facilitating a global comparison among institutions and providing them evidences to establish indicators and goals for their own institutions.


  • 18th September, 11:30 - Demo presentations (2 min.)
  • 18th September, 12:00 - Demo sessions (20 min. x 3)

See full programme here.