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Dimitris Skoutas


Dimitris Skoutas is an Assistant Researcher at the Institute for the Management of Information Systems of the "Athena" Research Center. He has received his Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2003 and his PhD in Computer Science in 2008, both from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. During this period, he has worked at the Knowledge and Database Systems Lab at NTUA and at IMIS. From 2009 to 2011, he has worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the L3S Research Center of the Leibniz Universität Hannover. He has extensive experience in EU R&D projects, including SLIPO, City.Risks, GeoKnow, OpenDataMonitor, GeoStream, GeoCrowd, and others. His research interests focus mainly on spatio-textual and spatio-temporal data management and analytics, data mining, linked data, and web services. He has more than 40 publications in international journals and peer-reviewed conferences in the above areas.


Open Data Monitor: Monitoring Open gov data


During the last years, the idea of open data has spread throughout Europe and produced extensive changes especially in thinking about governmental data and how it can be used for public and private purposes. This has also led to a fractured landscape of open data resources, making it challenging to gain an overview. Even on a national level, there is an unconstrained growth of regional open data repositories. These circumstances cause extensive problems for policy makers, institutions and NGOs, in building up efficient and sustainable open data strategies. Further, identifying gaps in and opportunities for open data publishing is almost impossible. Finally, on a pan-European level, there is a lack of analysis on this topic which hinders the large-scale reuse of open data. OpenDataMonitor provides the possibility to gain an overview of available open data resources and undertake analysis and visualisation of existing data catalogues using innovative technologies. Through an extensible and customizable harvesting framework, metadata from diverse open data sources are collected. The gathered information is then harmonised and processed. Scalable analytical and visualisation methods allow the end users to learn more about the composition of regional, national or pan-European open data repositories. Analysing and visualising metadata reveals hidden potential and essential insights from existing resources and identifies gaps where additional open data are needed.

DAY 2 – 16:00 – 17:30 PARALLEL SESSION

Open Science Monitor

See full programme here.