Edit Görögh
Short CV
Edit Görögh is currently working at the University of Göttingen as a project officer for OpenUp, an EU funded project which aims at developing a cohesive framework for new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, dissemination of research results, and impact measurement , and promoting a gender sensitive and Open Science ecosystem.She has been in involved in knowledge management and open access related programs for more than 10 years. She first participated in open scholarly communication activities at the University Library of Debrecen in Hungary, where she worked as a project manager and represented the National Open Access Desk in Hungary within the OpenAIRE project. Her open science advocacy is enhanced by her PhD degree in communication from the University of Colorado at Boulder and her Humanities background from the University of Debrecen.
The workshop builds on the results of the OpenUp landscape scan and the OpenAIRE report on open peer review. The workshop has multiple purposes including (1) assessing existing and evolving methods and functions of alternative peer review mechanisms, (2) breaking down peer review into the basic processes to identify the benefits and challenges, and (3) identifying questions and issues that need further investigation.
Group discussions will also touch upon issues such as the sustainability, long-term availability of alternative review tools, and their uptake by researchers, and the incorporation of these methods into institutional, national, funders’ and publishers’ policies.
OpenUP and OpenAIRE are dedicated to engage with different (disciplinary, inter-disciplinary) research communities from the social sciences, life sciences, energy, arts and humanities to identify the requirements from the emerging trends as posed by Open Science and e-infrastructural interconnected environments. Both projects aim at developing a sustainable framework that is relevant for and responsive to the Open Science needs.
DAY 3 - 09:00 Parallel Session 6
See full programme here.