Digital Skills for FAIR and Responsible Open Science: Co-creating the Content, Structure and Pathways
This workshop proposal from the Skills4EOSC and PATTERN projects together with the EOSC Association’s Data Stewardship Curricula and Career Paths Task Force aims to promote new approaches to address competence gaps in Open Science (OS) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), clarify the role profiles and career paths of data professionals, and help design high quality FAIR learning resources for learners and educators.
This workshop proposal from the Skills4EOSC and PATTERN projects together with the EOSC Association’s Data Stewardship Curricula and Career Paths Task Force aims to promote new approaches to address competence gaps in Open Science (OS) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), clarify the role profiles and career paths of data professionals, and help design high quality FAIR learning resources for learners and educators.
Using a pedagogical approach inspired by “Double Loop Learning” (Eberle and Childress, 2005), the workshop combines panel presentations and co-construction groups, focused around two main topics: (1) Competences, learning and career paths, including the landscape and recommendations of the EOSC-A TF on Data Stewardship Curricula and Career Paths, plus some of the Skills4EOSC project outputs such as defining Minimum Viable Skillsets (MVS) for Data Stewards and other roles; also, (2) training methodologies, quality assurance and engagement will be including the Skills4EOSC project methodology to develop learning materials that are FAIR-by-Design, to ensure their maximum reusability within the community and to foster engagement and motivation. We’ll invite feedback on these approaches and aim to explore how they can be implemented within participants’ organisations. Moreover, PATTERN will host discussions aimed at building the foundations of a quality framework for training in OS and RRI through a co-creation and participatory method that draws on the collective knowledge, skills and experience of participants.
The event will address the proposed themes, combining panel presentations and interactive activities. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in group discussions, case studies, and instant polls on opportunities for institutions and research infrastructures to respond to the recommendations and approaches, and for projects to identify synergies across these approaches that would assist their take-up. The “single-loop learning” will consist of the presentations showcasing challenges and needs, methods, tools and opportunities, as well as existing actions and outcomes. This will be linked to a “double loop learning” where mutual learning and community co-creation will take place by asking everyone to contribute to specific statements, and drawing on the experiences, knowledge and skills of the participants towards the resolution of mutual needs and challenges.
By building on the results of Skills4EOSC and PATTERN projects as well as those from the EOSC-A Task Force, the workshop aims at achieving the following learning outcomes:
- Learning the new methodology for FAIR-by-Design learning materials, and how it ensures maximum reusability within the community.
- Improving development and reuse of OS and RRI training resources through a common understanding of quality, fairness and the needs of learners.
- Clarifying Data Stewards’ roles, core activities and specialisations, and how their skillsets can include OS as part of their own career trajectory and those of others.
- Understanding the concept of Minimum Viable Skillsets (MVS) and how it may be applied to inform curricula and career paths for Data Stewards.
Overall, the workshop aims to help participants focus on digital skills necessary for RRI and FAIR and Open Science and ensure the maximum reusability of digital learning materials.
Presentations are available here
DATE:25 September 2023
ROOM:Auditorium 200
Emma Lazzeri
Cristina Lagido
Andrea Giraldo Sevilla
Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi
Short Bios
Emma Lazzeri
Cristina Lagido
Andrea Giraldo Sevilla
Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi
Presentation: Mapping of training in Open Science and RRI, and Quality criteria (PATTERN) (7 min)
Presentation: Motivation, engagement and identifying pitfalls in learning and introduction to group work (PATTERN) (7 min)
Mutual learning and Co-creation session (30 min)- Group work, kindly bring your laptop
Presentation: Data stewardship Curricula and Career Paths (EOSC-A TF on Data Stewardship C&C) - recommendations for data stewardship curricula and career paths. (7 min)
Presentation: Defining competences for different actors (Skills4EOSC) - how to use Minimum Viable Skillsets to design training for a variety of roles (7 min)
Q&A and interaction (20 min)
Presentation: FAIR by design Methodology for learning material (Skills4EOSC) - How to design learning material in compliance with the FAIR principles (15 min)
Wrap up