Organisers: Tom Pollard - MIT, George E. Dafoulas - Medical School, University of Athens, Lefteris Thireos - Athens Medical Society, Haralampos Karanikas- Hellenic Society of e-Health Services and Education.
Duration: 1.5 hours
In this interactive workshop we explore how open science enables “datathons”, events that bring together teams of researchers to work together on unanswered clinical questions. We begin by outlining the datathon model and describe our experiences in holding these events internationally. We then offer an opportunity to participate in an interactice exercise, working together to analyse highly detailed information collected from patients admitted to critical care units at a large tertiary care hospital. Participants will learn about open science in clinical research and gain an overview of MIMIC-III, a freely-available critical care dataset collected from over >50,000 hospital stays.
Organisers: Mappet Walker - Frontiers, Jochen Schirrwagen - University of Bielefeld, Dimitris Pierrakos - Athena Research and Innovation Center, Ross MacIntyre - Jisc IRUS-UK, Joseph Greene, University College Dublin
Duration: 1.5 hours
Impact metrics have a strong influence on the scientific community, affecting the assessment of institutions of higher education and research as well as decisions concerning who gets promoted or hired, who receives grants, and who publishes where. In this situation, it is essential that the methods used to calculate metrics should be transparent, and reproducible and that their integrity should be auditable, and beyond question. This workshop will discuss the limitations of current systems and platforms, presenting a use case from Usage Statistics platform, and the recommendations of creating an open platform for Impact Data.
Duration: 1.5 hours
The challenge of EOSC governance is how to construct a framework allowing varied and disparate stakeholders to work together. The EOSCPilot project has established a Governance Development Forum (EGDF) so that all stakeholders can contribute to the development of a governance framework to inform the establishment of EOSC and its governance structure. In this workshop we will discuss how Open Science should manifest in the EOSC governance framework.
Organisers: OpenMinTeD: Natalia Manola and Stelios Piperidis /Athena Reseach & Innovation Centre, Thomas Margoni /Univ. of Glasgow, Martine Oudenhoven/LIBER
Duration: 3 hours
Text and Data Mining (TDM) is a natural ‘next step’ in open science. It can lead to new and unexpected discoveries and increase the impact of publications and repositories. This workshop showcases examples of successful TDM and infrastructural solutions for researchers. We will also discuss what is needed to make most of infrastructures and how publishers and repositories can open up their content.
Duration: 1.5 hours
The workshop provides a hands on approach in relation both to the understanding of the EU open science policies and their application by related stakeholders. It will seek to explore, propose and test different aspects of policy documents created by and for different types of stakeholders (e.g. RPOs, funders, policy makers etc) in the context of EOSC. Drawing on the work by the EOSC policy work, the workshop invites participants to bring their own policies or work on model policies to develop a simple but comprehensive policy document tailored to their needs and conforming to the EU policy and legal framework.
It is useful to the broader Open Science community as it brings together services, stakeholders and policies and allows for a better understanding of the interaction between different constituencies.