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Sticky platforms: How to create user-driven research data services

Leonard Mack, Hannes Wünsche and Sonja Schimmler - Fraunhofer FOKUS Weizenbaum Institute

Open Science aims to fundamentally change how researchers and research professionals work. This change needs to be supported by services that are more open and user-centric than their predecessors. But designing such services, e.g. to manage and publish research data, is no easy task: Ideally, they would be sticky and attract researchers thanks to their inherent benefits – rather than as just another policy compliance tool. While some kind of policy intervention may always be required to induce behavioural change, the discussions about Open Science reward schemes also highlight the challenges of developing services that incentivise end-users on their own. 
For service developers and providers, this begs fundamental questions: Do we truly understand the perspectives and requirements of users? And what can we do to better incorporate their views in the design and development process for research data services? Co-creation, co-design, and open innovation are well known methods to address this challenge. But implementing these effectively is challenging – and sometimes may still not be enough to yield success.


  • 18th September, 11:30
    • Demo presentations (2 min.)
    • Parallel Presentations (3 sessions x 20 min.)

See full programme here.