Leonard Mack
Short CV
Leonard Mack is an R&D scientist and project manager at the Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute and Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin. He coordinates the development of the Weizenbaum Institute’s research data infrastructure and also leads the strategic evolution of the Piveau data management tools, developed by the Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute. Previously, Leonard worked on (open) data and open science projects, including EOSC and OpenAIRE, at Jisc, the Open Data Institute, and Nesta. Leonard enjoys criss-crossing disciplines, having studied political science, law and computational social science at the universities of Oxford and Trier.
About Demo
Title: Sticky platforms: How to create user-driven research data services.
- 18th September, 11:30 - Demo presentations (2 min.)
- 18th September, 12:00 - Parallel Presentations (3 sessions x 20 min.)
See full programme here.