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Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch

Short CV

Dr Bonnie Wolff-Boenisch leads the Research Affairs at Science Europe, an umbrella organisation representing 37 Research Funding Organisations and Research Performing Organisations from 28 countries. She gives scientific advice on research policy topics and EU legislative and regulatory developments with impact to research.

Dr Wolff-Boenisch gained substantial insight in science management and policy as Director of an ESFRI research infrastructure initiative in the polar and marine research domain at the AWI and the ESF.

Previously, she was project manager of several international scientific and technologically-oriented consortia setting up and developing decision making structures and multi-national collaborations.

At the start of her academic career Dr Wolff-Boenisch conducted scientific research in the fields of cosmo- and geochemistry at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany, and later as a Marie Curie research fellow in the field of paleo-climate and sustainability research at the CNRS in France.

About Panel

Research Assessment


17th September, 09:00

See full programme here.