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Open Science Cafe

Organisers: OpenMinTeD, FutureTDM, EU-DAT, FOSTER Plus, EOSC, OpenAire (Martine Oudenhoven,  Simone Sacchi/LIBER)
Duration: 1.5 hours
In order for open science to happen, it is important to get out of your own silo and connect to stakeholders with different interests in science, policy, research workflows and infrastructures. The open science cafe provides you with the opportunity to do this in an informal setting.   

OpenMinTeD, Open Access, , TDM, RDM, policy, Roadmap

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From stuPID to cuPID: learning to love persistent identifiers

Organisers: ORCID EU, project THOR
Duration: 1.5 hrs.
Persistent identifiers and the services around them are one of the key infrastructures that underpin open science. Full utilisation of PIDs make it possible to link, discover, reuse, attribute and disambiguate people and the research objects they produce. This workshop will help to develop resources that can shift people away from ingrained work habits towards open, interconnected and easily-discoverable research.

publishing workflows, Open access publishing tools, repositories, research artefacts, linked open science

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Open Science as a Service: tools for research communities

Organisers: Paolo Manghi, OpenAIRE/OpenAIRE-Connect
Duration: 1.5 hrs.
The aim of this workshop is to work with research communities especially interested/relevant to open science publishing paradigms: publishing of literature, datasets, methods, and experiments for reproducibility and transparent assessment of science. This will be an interactive session with communities presenting their requirements and current tooling to identify overlaps, better and cost-effective solutions.

publishing workflows, Open access publishing tools, repositories, research artefacts, linked open science

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Research Lifecycles in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Organisers: Caroline Sutton, Janet Remmington - Taylor and Francis, Agiatis Benardou - DARIAH
Duration: 1.5 hrs.
The aim of this workshop is to work together with scholars to identify a series of research workflows that better reflect the processes of scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. Once lifecycles are drafted, participants will identify points of potential sharing and open opportunities. These points will then be associated with current solutions and gaps will be identified.

social sciences and humanities, publishing workflows, Open access publishing tools

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Open Access models and platforms

Organisers: OpenAIRE
Duration: 3 hrs.

What are the emerging models of Open Access for publications? Who should be involved? How are costs distributed over the stakeholders involved? How can OA platforms innovate further to embrace Open Science? This workshop will discuss and showcase the range of models available, including their costs and organisational aspects, to discuss their relative strengths and weaknesses in different academic contexts.

Peer review, open access publishing model, open access to publications, open access publishing platform

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EOSC meets enterprises’ needs!

Organisers: Chryssa Stavrakaki and Jorge Sanchez - Corallia /Athena Research and Innovation Centre
Duration: 1.5 hours
Do you want to know more about the view of the industry on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)? Join us to discuss on what the industry thinks about EOSCpilot and what their expectations are.

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Theatrical workshop: Are you ready to perform in the RRI ecosystem?

Organisers: NUCLEUS H2020 EU project, represented by SCIENCE VIEW (Alexandros Koukovinis & Menelaos Sotiriou)
Duration: 1.5 hours

This workshop highlights the concept of a Support and Coordination H2020 action, namely NUCLEUS, which is targeted on Responsible Research and Innovation. It is aligned with the overall objective of the OSFair conference, answering to the impact of open science/novel ways of disseminating science.
What NUCLEUS project introduces, is that based on a common understanding that science and innovation are driving forces of sustainable and inclusive societies around the world, it will develop new cultural and organisational approaches allowing universities to better respond and react to societal needs and challenges. To pursue this goal NUCLEUS will develop, support and implement inclusive and sustainable approaches to “Responsible Research and Innovation” (RRI) within the governance and culture of European universities and research organisations.
A wide scale implementation roadmap and a future of science with and for the society will be presented in the most engaging way.

Open Science, Scholarly Communication, RRI, engagement, communication, research communication

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National and European e-Infrastructure Cooperation for Open Science

Organisers: EGI, GÉANT and OpenAIRE
Duration: 3.5 hours
This collaborative workshop comes in the context of coordinating EOSC related activities across large European infrastructures at European and national level. The workshop will offer an opportunity for cross-pollination on issues ranging from open scholarship to technical service provision, training, community engagement and support. OpenAIRE NOADs, EGI NGIs, GEANT NRENs and other national e-Infrastructure representatives will discuss gaps, synergies, coordination and service integration opportunities.

Open Science, e-Infstructure, coordination for open science, National e-Infrastructure cooperation

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