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Building a global knowledge commons - ramping up repositories to support widespread change in the ecosystem

Organisers:Kathleen Shearer, Eloy Rodriguez - COAR (Coallition of OA repositories)
Duration:  3 hours
Distribution of control of scholarly resources (pre-prints, post-prints, research data, supporting software, etc.) and scholarly infrastructures is an important principle which underlies or vision for the future of scholarly communication. In the spirit of this conference, the workshop will showcase the conceptual model for this vision, as well as the role and functions of repositories within this model.

Fostering the practical implementation of Open Science in Horizon 2020 and beyond

Organisers: FOSTER
Duration: 3 hrs.

Session 1 (14:00 - 15:30) - researchers.
Session 2 (16:00 - 17:30) - policymakers

This workshop will showcase some of the elements required for the transition to Open Science: services and tools, policies as guidance for good practices, and the roles of the respective actors and their networks.

Increasing Research Transparency Using the Open Science Framework

Organisers:Rusty Speidel - Center for Open Science
Duration: 1 hour
Part of the challenge with making research more open and transparent is purely logistical. Where and how can the research be stored, organized, and shared most effectively when there are so many different tools, processes and policies in place? The OSF provides an open source, structured environment where researchers from all over the world, using their own tools and processes, can collaborate openly, transparently, and effectively.

National and European e-Infrastructure Cooperation for Open Science

Organisers: EGI, GÉANT and OpenAIRE
Duration: 3.5 hours
This collaborative workshop comes in the context of coordinating EOSC related activities across large European infrastructures at European and national level. The workshop will offer an opportunity for cross-pollination on issues ranging from open scholarship to technical service provision, training, community engagement and support. OpenAIRE NOADs, EGI NGIs, GEANT NRENs and other national e-Infrastructure representatives will discuss gaps, synergies, coordination and service integration opportunities.

Peer review at the crossroads

Organisers: Edit Görögh, Birgit Schmidt, Tony Ross-Hellauer - Ugottingen 
Duration: 1.5 hours
The workshop will present and discuss tools and methods related to open and alternative peer review.

Theatrical workshop: Are you ready to perform in the RRI ecosystem?

Organisers: NUCLEUS H2020 EU project, represented by SCIENCE VIEW (Alexandros Koukovinis & Menelaos Sotiriou)
Duration: 1.5 hours

This workshop highlights the concept of a Support and Coordination H2020 action, namely NUCLEUS, which is targeted on Responsible Research and Innovation. It is aligned with the overall objective of the OSFair conference, answering to the impact of open science/novel ways of disseminating science.
What NUCLEUS project introduces, is that based on a common understanding that science and innovation are driving forces of sustainable and inclusive societies around the world, it will develop new cultural and organisational approaches allowing universities to better respond and react to societal needs and challenges. To pursue this goal NUCLEUS will develop, support and implement inclusive and sustainable approaches to “Responsible Research and Innovation” (RRI) within the governance and culture of European universities and research organisations.
A wide scale implementation roadmap and a future of science with and for the society will be presented in the most engaging way.