SWISSUbase – The Collaborative Process Towards Rich Discipline-Specific Metadata
SWISSUbase is a national, multi-disciplinary and FAIR-compliant research data platform that provides a data repository as well as services for the curation, preservation, and dissemination of research data and metadata in Switzerland. It has been developed in partnership between FORS (Swiss Centre of Expertise for the Social Sciences), the University of Lausanne and the University of Zurich and was launched in 2021.
There are two main components to SWISSUbase. On one hand, it is an online platform where data producers, data curators and data consumers interact. On the other hand, it also provides services and support regarding research data management, data protection issues, etc.
SWISSUbase is unique from other data archiving solutions in Switzerland providing rich discipline-specific and multilingual metadata for different scientific domains. The platform offers several discipline-specific metadata schemas, currently one for linguistics and one for the social sciences. A metadata schema for the geosciences and another for the humanities are in development. Each metadata schema is elaborated in close collaboration with representatives from the respective research community, taking into account existing standards and controlled vocabularies within a discipline and specific needs of the research community. The rich metadata schemas ensure increased discoverability of the data and bring added value for the data producers and consumers. The discipline-specific standards allow for improved interoperability with disciplinary data catalogues on the international level, such as the CESSDA Data Catalogue or the CLARIN Virtual Language Observatory.
Data curation is performed by professional data curators in partner institutions, organized in a network of discipline-specific and/or institutional data service units. The data curators have extensive knowledge of the research practices and the data in their respective field, ensuring a high quality of the data and the documentation so that they can be effectively shared, reused and preserved for the long-term.