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Zoe Ingram

Zoe Ingram has a bachelor‘s degree in Education Science, specialized in Adult Education and Further Education. Presently she is completing her master’s thesis on the didactical task of program planning and course development within research institutes. Before and during her studies Zoe has worked in project management and coordination and has experience in property reconstruction and management in Berlin. On her personal journey and educational path, theater has played an essential role. Trying to combine the strengths of the art of presence and performance with learning and development, Zoe contributes to ORION with her pedagogical knowledge and supports training delivery and development to identify and maximize outcomes.

Emma Harris

Dr Emma Harris' research background is in cultural history, specifically the fear of technology, but her career has moved from science fiction to science fact. Working in research project management she has become an enthusiast for open science, RRI, and science communication through research management roles including, Ethics Manager on the Human Brain Project and Research Integrity Officer at De Montfort University. Moving to Berlin from the UK in 2017, she now works in the Communications Department at the Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine. She is a Project Manager and Training Developer working on designing open science training and materials for the ORION Open Science Project.

Jessica Parland-von Essen

Dr Jessica Parland-von Essen , Ph.D., is Senior Coordinator in the group for Services for Research at CSC. She has a degree in Library and information Science and is also adjunct professor of History at the University of Helsinki. She has been working with the national Finnish Open Science and Research Initiatives since 2014, and has been active in Knowledge Exchange work for Open Scholarship. Dr Parland-von Essen has produced several guides for Open Science and co-authored a national landscape report on persistent identifiers. Currently she is chairing the national work for research data citation and is responsible for the work package 'FAIR Practices: Semantics, Interoperability, and Services' in the FAIRsFAIR project.

Bernard Rentier

Short CV

Prof. BERNARD RENTIER is a Belgian virologist. He has worked at the NIMR, Mill Hill, London, UK. (1975) and as a post-doc at the NIH, Bethesda MD, USA (1976-81). He became professor at ULiège where he chaired the Microbiology Department before being elected Vice-Rector (1997-2005) then Rector (2005-2014). He developed in 2007 a strong and efficient Green OA mandate policy ( now known widely as "the Liege Model of OA". After his retirement, he remained an outspoken advocate of OA, often expressing his views on scholarly communication and research assessment. He co-chaired the Working Group on Rewards under Open Science (European Commission , DGRI - and is chairing the EUA’s expert subgroup on research assessment. He is Vice-President of the Belgian Federal Science Policy Council since 2014 and he was elected at the Belgian Royal Academy in 2016. His 2019 open e-book on Open Science has been included in the European RRI Toolkit (

About Panel

Research Assessment


17th September, 09:00

See full programme here.