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Apostolos Kakkos

Short CV
Apostolos Kakkos is founder and CEO of LAMDA HELLIX since 2002, while in 2013 assumed also the role of Chairman of the Board. Prior to that, he had held top management positions with listed companies within the IT, Telecom and Financial Services sectors and served on the Board of Directors of companies in the technology, security and real estate industries. Also, he is a founding member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the European Data Centre Association (EUDCA). Apostolos has formed, sold and is shareholder and Executive Board member in a number of companies in the Technology and Real Estate sectors.  Apostolos has been honored with the Kouros Award for Development and Innovation, the Best European Data Centre Entrepreneur Award, and the Ruban D’ honneur RSM Entrepreneur of the Year Award.  He holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Athens, a MEng in IT from University College London and an MEng in Industrial Relations & Management from the London School of Economics & Political Science.

European Open Science Cloud

DAY 3 - 11:30 Parallel session 7

EOSC meets enterprises' needs!

See full programme here.

George Dafoulas

Short CV

Dr George E. Dafoulas is in Internist and holds a Master in Business Administration in Health Services Management from the Nottingham Business School-Nottingham Trent University, UK. He is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Thessaly on the topic of Health Technology Assessement of e-health service and was a visiting scholar in CSAIL-MIT, Cambridge-Boston, USA working on the topics of open source/open science for Global Health. He has worked as a research fellow of Ethnikon and Kapodistriakon University (NKUA), School of Medical Science, in Athens, Greece and of University of Birmingham, UK in projects related with Diabetes, as well as e-health and e-care services and real-world data analytics.


Challenges and opportunities of the “3Os" policy regarding the analysis of real-world health data in Greece.

Acknowledging the role research and innovation have in preserving the health of citizens and socio-economic sustainability, the role of Open Science/Open Access in the Health sector is considered promising. To introduce effective new scientific contributors to the culture of EU "3Os” strategy (Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World) in the health care, the concept of “datathon” or “hackathon” model has been proposed. 

A major leap forward factor for the real world data analytics in the health sector in Greece was the introduction of the electronic prescription platform of the National Organization for Health Care Services Provision (EOPYY) in 2010,  that since 2014 includes 95% of the prescriptions dispensed to the entire Greek population.     

A new regulatory framework was introduced in February 2016 based on the Law 4368/2016 for the use of real world data of EOPYY for research purposes. In accordance to the legislation introduced, the Universities can sign framework agreements with EOPYY and a special multidisciplinary committee was established within EOPYY to deal with the review of the research protocols submitted from the Universities' research teams. The process is also reviewed by the Data Protection Authority of Greece.The national e-prescription system of Greece is already a valuable source of planning, control and transparency data for the Greek healthcare system. The support of open access and open science policies regarding the use of its databases could foster its further use for research and innovation.




See full programme here.

Jennifer Freeman Smith

Short CV

Jennifer Freeman Smith is a Transparency and Openness Trainer for the Center for Open Science in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, where she develops curricula, delivers trainings, and provides support around reproducible research methods and the Open Science Framework. Before coming to COS, she provided capacity building assistance to health departments and community organizations implementing evidence-based HIV prevention programs, conducted qualitative research in public health and education, and taught courses in composition and multicultural issues in education. She holds a doctorate in Educational Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania.

about presentation

Increasing Research Transparency using the Open Science Framework


Increasing Research Transparency using the Open Science Framework

See full programme here.

Peter Doorn

Short CV

Peter Doorn is director of Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), the Dutch national institute for long-term access to research data. He studied Human Geography at Utrecht University and received his PhD there. He taught Computing for Historians at Leiden University from 1985 to 1997. He was director of the Netherlands Historical Data Archive and head of department at the Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services (NIWI). He was Principal Investigator of the DARIAH preparation project (now an ESFRI ERIC). Some of Peter’s other functions:

  • Chair of CESSDA ERIC General Assembly (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives)
  • Chair of Science Europe Working Group on Research Data
  • Editor in Chief of Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Board member of Research Data Netherlands (RDNL)
  • Co-chair of Working Group on Services and Data-infrastructure of LCRDM (Landelijk Coördinatiepunt Research Data Management)
  • Co-chair of Research Data Alliance (RDA) Domain Repositories Interest Group

Monitoring the FAIRness of data sets - Introducing the DANS approach to FAIR metrics


Research funding in recent years often comes with the condition to make the resulting data openly available. Just opening up research data is not enough: the data should also be of sufficient quality. In 2014, the FAIR Guiding Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) were formulated, which can be considered as a proxy for data quality or fitness for use. In a relatively short term, the FAIR data principles have been adopted by many stakeholder groups, including research funders.

In this presentation, we will introduce a simple method and tool to assess the fitness for use of data sets. Part of the quality assurance of research data can be guaranteed by digital repositories that archive and provide access to data. We will argue that the certification criteria of digital archives and the FAIR data principles for data sets provide a good basis for guaranteeing the responsible reuse of research data sets.

The core certification offered by the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) and World Data System (WDS) for data repositories (now jointly known as the Core Trust Seal), in combination with the FAIR data principles get as close as possible to giving quality criteria for research data. The FAIR principles are remarkably similar to the underlying principles of the DSA, which date back to 2005: these specify that the data can be found on the Internet, are accessible (having clear rights and licenses), are in a usable format, are reliable, and are identified in a unique and persistent way so that they can be referred to. Essentially, the DSA presents quality criteria for digital repositories, whereas the FAIR principles target individual datasets, and in this sense they are perfectly complementary.

The FAIR Data Assessment Tool developed at DANS offers both data professionals working for repositories, and re-users of data a simple way to review the fitness for data reuse in an impartial and measurable way. By combining the ideas of the DSA/WDS and FAIR, we offer a straightforward operationalization that can be implemented in any certified repository. After the introduction, the participants in the workshop will score a number of datasets from various repositories using the prototype of the FAIRDAT tool. Afterwards, we will discuss the results, the applicability of the tool, and how to align our approach with other, more ambitious approaches of developing FAIR metrics.


FAIR metrics - Starring your data sets

DAY 2 - 16:00 Parallel session 5

Open Science Monitor


FAIR Metrics - Starring your Data Sets

See full programme here.

Jessica Parland-von Essen

Short CV

Jessica Parland-von Essen, PhD and docent in history at the University of Helsinki. She has worked with digital archiving, digital humanities and open science for many years. Lately she has been working with promotion and service development questions with the Finnish Open Science and Research Initiative. She has produced an Open science handbook for researchers and research organisations and is active in developing national policies for persistent identifiers. Currently working at CSC – IT Center for Science she is engaged in the ESOC Pilot. She is also a member of the board in the Finnish chapter of Open Knowledge.

DAY  -  Parallel session 

Open science policy aspects in the context of EOSC governance framework

See full programme here.

Elly Dijk

Short CV

A human geographer by training, Elly Dijk is senior policy advisor at Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) in the Netherlands. DANS is the Netherlands institute for permanent access to digital research resources. She is coordinator of the national scholarly (open access) portal NARCIS ( She is currently project leader of OpenAIRE 2020 at DANS, and she is, together with the Technical University Delft, the National Open Access Desk (NOAD) for this project. She is also project coordinator of the EOSCpilot (European Open Science Cloud pilot) at DANS.  Elly is member of the editorial team of the website and the National Platform Open Science in the Netherlands. She is member of the international Board (Secretary) of euroCRIS, an association of experts on research information 


Monitoring the FAIRness of data sets - Introducing the DANS approach to FAIR metrics

2nd presentation

FAIR metrics - Starring your data sets


See full programme here.

Athanassios Liakopoulos

Short CV

Athanassios Liakopoulos is EMEA Business Development Manager for Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) since August 2012. He has strong engineering background in networking, cloud and IT technologies, with 20 years working experience. Today, he leads the EMEA HPE Pointnext IoT Centre of Excellence, a team of consultants with business and technology skills focusing on applying IoT solutions in selected verticals, such as manufacturing and future cities. He also leads regional activities in Intelligent Spaces – Venues with focus on e2e business solutions for airports, large stadiums, music halls, museums, etc. In the past, Athanassios led or contributed in the design and implementation the national-wide educational infrastructures in Greece and participated in diverse EC-funded research projects related with Future Internet technologies and IPv6. He holds a PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering (National Technical Univ. of Athens, 2005) and Master with distinction in Business Administration (Univ of Strathclyde, 2011). He has more than 30 published articles in recognized technical journals, conferences or standardization forums.


Transforming Manufacturing Business with the Internet of Things


The presentation briefly explores how IoT solutions could contribute in manufacturing industry, trying to identify challenges in applying new technologies and modifying existing production processes. Based on his past research experiences, Athanassios tries to explore how research outcomes and european scale platforms could be more easily adopted by industry, allowing researchers to acquire business expertise and enterprises to quickly leverage research results. Wil je dat een geheim met je wordt gedeeld? Nou, hier ben je dan! Wist je dat buitenlandse online casino's jackpotspellen aanbieden met unieke gokkasten zonder CRUKS met no-limit casinospellen? Ontdek de voor- en nadelen van buitenlandse casino's. 

DAY 3 - 11:30 Parallel session 7

EOSC meets enterprises' needs!

See full programme here.

Tom Joseph Pollard

Short CV

Tom is a Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Laboratory for Computational Physiology. Most recently he has been working with colleagues to release the [eICU Collaborative Research Database] (, a freely-accessible database comprising patient data collected from critical care units across the US. Prior to joining MIT in 2015, Tom completed his PhD at University College London, UK, where he explored models of health in critical care patients. He has a broad interest in how we can improve the way that health data is collected and reused for the benefit of patients, and he is a Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute. bookmaker bitcoin payout


Reproducibility in critical care research




See full programme here.

Maaike Duine

Short CV

Maaike Duine, ORCID EU, Events and Training Officer. Maaike is organising events and workshops for the EC funded THOR (Technical and Human infrastructure for Open Research) project. Before joining ORCID, she worked in Dar es Salaam as the publishing advisor for the two-year project “Strengthening academic and digital publishing in Tanzania” with INASP, VSO, COSTECH, the Elsevier Foundation, PATA, and BAMVITA as partners. Prior to that, she held different positions for the international publishing company Springer SBM. She earned an MA in linguistics from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.

DAY 1 - 15:00 Parallel session 2

From stuPID to cuPID: Learning to love Persistent Identifiers

See full programme here.

Ade Deane-Pratt

Short CV

Ade Deane-Pratt, Technical Analyst, THOR Project; ORCID EU. 
Ade is researching and analyzing persistent identifier infrastructure as part of the EC-funded Technical and Human Infrastructure for Research (THOR) project. She joined ORCID following a decade working largely in science communication at non-profit medical research organisations in the UK. Ade has a BSc in Cognitive Science (first class honours) from the University of Westminster and an MSc in Neuroscience from University College London. She has lectured in human-computer interaction and is the author of children’s science book series How Things Work.

DAY 1 - 15:00 Parallel session 2

From stuPID to cuPID: Learning to love Persistent Identifiers

See full programme here.