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Simone Sacchi

Short CV

Dr. Simone Sacchi has more than 15 years of experience in academic libraries and research centers, driving enterprise–level information management, outreach, and R&D programs focused on the technologies, policies, and best practices that support the long–term stewardship, access, and impact of digital research. His research interests lies at the intersection of Open Science, impact metrics, and conceptual foundations of Library and Information Science.

In his current role as EU Projects Manager at LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries, he heads a team of Project Officers, coordinates the work around the portfolio of projects LIBER participates in -including: AARC2, EOSCpilot, EUDAT, FOSTER Plus, HuMetricsHSS, OpenAIRE, and OpenMinTeD- and works with partners on identifying new initiatives.

Before joining LIBER, Simone was Head, Scholarly Communication Services at Columbia University in the City of New York. In his role he provided leadership and strategic direction on a variety of initiatives, including Academic Commons, Columbia’s research repository; the Scholarly Communication Program, an information sharing and outreach initiative; and the Columbia Promoting Access to Research and Collaboration (ColumbiaPARC) project, a research information and expert system. Simone was also actively involved in community efforts, having been a steering committee member for the Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions, a contributor for the Hydra Project, and a member of the FORCE11 Data Citation Implementation Pilot . Before moving to the US, Simone was Systems Librarian and Digital Repository Manager at the University of Bologna, Italy, where he provided technical leadership in the development of the university institutional repository program for research outputs, learning objects, and theses & dissertations.

Simone holds a Ph.D. in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a Graduate Certificate in Open Source Software Science and Technology from the University of Bologna, Italy, and a Masters Degree in Library Science from the University of Parma, Italy.

DAY 1 - 11:30 Parallel session 1

Open Science Cafe


Organising high quality research data management services for open science


Towards a policy framework for the European open science cloud: The EOSCpilot perspective


See full programme here.

Najla Rettberg

Short CV

Najla Rettberg is the Scientific Manager of the OpenAIRE2020 project at Göttingen State Library. Having worked on the project since 2011 she coordinates the network and outreach activities of the European project. A librarian with extensive experience in open access and digital preservation, she has held roles such as executive secretary of the Digital Preservation Coalition and worked at Edinburgh University Library developing digital preservation strategies. Her background is in Arabic studies and she has worked as a consultant for a range of clients including the Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC), Kings College London, the Digital Preservation Coalition and the Digital Curation Centre.

About presentation

National & European e-infrastructures "Cooperation for Open Science"


National and European e-infrastructure cooperation for open science 

See full programme here.

Androniki Pavlidou

Short CV

Androniki Pavlidou holds a Mathematics degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and an MSc in Science and Innovation Management from the Utrecht University, The Netherlands. She had worked in the IT sector and funded two startups; Fansinator and Datalization. The startup experience, allowed her to be mentored and learn from the best. She had won the CAPSELLA(H2020 project) hackathon and the 2nd prize in San Francisco Techcrunch (Panasonic aviation challenge). She had also won the #DiploHack Athens European competition implementing the Datalization platform that triggers EU citizens to easily discover EU Open Data, their usage in their life, their business and politics, by exploring a city in a funny way. She also participated in the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece with Datalization and working as a project manager in OpenMinTeD project. Androniki is a dedicated innovator, who is passionate about technology, and turning research findings into innovative products.


OpenMinTeD Platform Training: Discover the power of TDM


OpenMinTed is a platform focusing on TDM for scientific works.

The training will demonstrate how corpora and TDM tools can run on applications and help you get the outcomes that fit your needs.

Participants will get a hands-on experience on 

  • What is OpenMinTeD
  • How to find/upload content
  • How to find/upload TDM tools
  • How to find/run applications
  • Get the result!


DAY 3 - 14:00 Parallel Session 8

OpenMinTeD Platform Training: Discover the power of TDM


See full programme here.

Harris Linardakis

Short CV

Haris Linardakis is the IBM cloud leader, Greece and Cyprus since 2015. Within his role, he is helping enterprises of all sizes in Greece and Cyprus to assess cloud readiness, develop cloud adoption strategies and power their digital transformation.

Throughout his career in IBM, he held business development positions in global technology services and enterprise business unit. As a professional, he is committed to deliver business value through technological advancement and innovative thinking. His main interests include cloud platforms and services, business analytics, internet of things, cognitive applications and agile application development.

Haris’ academic background includes electrical and computer engineering degree and a PhD degree in telecommunications, both from the National Technical University of Athens. He has published and participated in research programmes in the area of medium access control protocols in Optical Networks.

about presentation

“EOSC meets enterprises’ needs”: A view from IBM

DAY 3 - 11:30 Parallel session 7

EOSC meets enterprises' needs!

See full programme here.

Robert Bossy

Short CV

Robert Bossy is a research engineer at INRA (French National Institute for Agronomy). He works on Natural Language Processing, Text Mining and Artificial Intelligence applied to Biology, Genomics and Food Science.
Robert has a biology background and holds a PhD in Bioinformatics in Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6). He has worked in Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systématique (Paris 6), Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro) and INRA (Jouy-en-Josas). He is the senior developer at the Bibliome team and supervises the development of the Alvis suite, a set of tools for NLP and Knowledge Acquisition ( He has taken part in several large scale projects: Alvis (FP6), Quaero (OSEO), OpenMinTeD (H2020). His favorite scientific events are ACL, LREC and BLAH. Robert has organized several tasks in the BioNLP Shared Task 11/13/16 challenges concerning Biodiversity and Genetics in bacteria and plants.
Currently, his main interest is in the lifecycle of data produced by NLP and TDM and their integration into bioinformatics processes and infrastructures.


What can semantic text-mining do for food quality improvement?


The design of text mining-based services adapted to specific needs and usable by non-specialists is efficiently addressed by platforms such as OpenMinTeD. The extraction and formalization of high-quality information possibly requires the use of dozens of specialized tools and resources. OpenMinTeD solution lies in their reuse, adaptation and combination. OpenMinTeD pools these resources and offers all the technology and services needed to design, execute and maintain the processing workflows. The case of food quality presented here is a shining example of how the use of semantic analysis methods applied to a very large collection of documents can contribute to the field of microbiology of food processing and preservation. The formalization of the knowledge extracted from the texts for use in conjunction with other experimental and analytical data is a key point of the approach for researchers and industrial users.

DAY 2 - 14:00 Parallel Session 4

TDM: Unlocking a Goldmine of Information

See full programme here.


Gregory Milopoulos

Short CV

Mr. Milopoulos is an Educational Technology Researcher of the R&D Department of Ellinogermaniki Agogi. He is an Expert in Project Management of large and complex projects, mainly in the field of Information Technology. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the University of Aegean and a Postgraduate Degree (Master of Business Administration) in Project Management of Techno-economic Systems from the National Technical University of Athens (School of Mechanical Engineering) in cooperation with University of Piraeus (Dpt of Industrial Management & Technology) and the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (Dpt of Economics). Gregory has begun the cooperation with Ellinogermaniki Agogi since May 2017. Before that, from 2009 to 2016 he has founded Megaprojects, a Business Solutions and Consulting company. Gregory is the creator of Qtales ( which started as a proposal, became a funded H2020 ICT project and is now a Limited UK Company, focusing on its commercial launch. Gregory has been dealing with European SMEs since 2001, when he joined the R&D Department of Pouliadis Group of Companies. 


Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) is a way of researching that takes a long-term perspective on the type of world in which we want to live. It can strengthen research projects by emphasising openness, transparency, diversity, inclusiveness and adaptation to changes. Essentially, RRI aims to create collaborative frameworks in which citizens engage with scientists, entrepreneurs, decisions makers and other groups to work towards sustainable, ethically acceptable and socially desirable outcomes.

DAY 1 - 15:00 Parallel session 2

Introduction to Responsible Research and Innovation - the Citizen Science aspect

See full programme here.

Marios Chatziangelou

Short CV

Mr Marios Chatziangelou holds a BSc in Physics from University of Ioannina, Greece and MSc in Information Technologies from the University of Paisley, Scotland. Mr Chatziangelou is a leader of IASA’s Computing Department and he has extensive know-how in the fields of software development and systems (HPC/Clustering) administration. He is experienced in numerous OO-based and scripting languages, operating systems, parallel environments, databases, web services and web APIs. He has over fifteen years of working experience as Software and Systems engineer in the Defence, Banking and Academic sectors. He has participated to a number of projects, including EGEE-I-II-III, GRIDCC, PRACE-I-II, EGI-Inspire, EGI-Engage, DiscoverTheCosmos etc. During the EGEE-II project, he held the position of the coordinator of the application porting/support teams at the South Eastern Europe. For the period 2009-2010 (EGEE-III project) he was acting as Regional Coordination on duty for the South Eastern Europe region and HellasGrid Country representative. Under the EGI-InSpire project he was task leader for the TNA3.4 Technical Services.

About presentation

EGI applications database


National and European e-infrastructure cooperation for open science

See full programme here.

Menelaos Sotiriou


Mr. Menelaos Sotiriou is a science writer and communicator (background Applied Mathematics) with 17 years of international work experience. He is holding a Master in Total Quality Management and currently he is working in the field of science communication (providing also training to research teams on how to communicate their results). He has been involved in several EU projects
His main research focus is on the communication of scientific research to the wider public. A special interest is on the Science Education field where he has realized numerous projects (National and International). He is the initiator of a National Educational Project called “Learning Science Through Theater” ( and he is collaborating with the Pedagogical Sector of the Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in research initiatives. He is the National Coordinator of the Greek Student Parliament on Science (A European Project that runs in 16 European countries). He started his professional career by developing various Management Systems, mostly in the field of Education as well as Health Care and Telecommunications, in over 40 public and private Organisations. The last twelve (12) years he is running (project management) and organising European and national projects for several institutions (including research institutions) mainly in the areas of new and innovative technologies (ICT). He has been involved in more than 30 EU projects in the areas of SiS, SSH, ICT, Research for the Benefit of SMEs. He has vast experience in networking activities as the project Coordinator of EUROSiS Project that is the Network of the Science in Society NCPs. (Greek NCP for SiS Programme, of the FP7). During this project he has organized a lot of brokerage events as well as info days / trainings concerning the participation of institutions in the specific programme. He is included in the Evaluators’ Data Base of the European Commission for the HORIZON2020 as well as the Science Foundation of Ireland and also he had participated in several EC meetings as an expert in Science Communication and Journalism issues.
He is Presided of Science View (the Greek Science Writers’ Association, and research associate in the Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of National and Κapodistrian University of Athens. He has been a Board Member (2011 – 2015) of the European Union of Science Journalist’s Associations (EUSJA – Since August 2016 he is in the Steering Board of the Center for Creativities, Arts and Science Education (CASE – He was the editor of the Research and Technology online Magazine under the General Secretariat of Research Technology in Greece (


TITLE | Day 1

Nucleus H2020 EU project

Are you ready to perform in the rri ecosystem 



a) Exercise different ways of collaboration, when it comes to understand how Responsible Research and Innovation is communicated and performed.
b) Learn techniques that come from the theatrical field to facilitate dialogues and encounters between different stakeholders.


RRI is everywhere, but what does it really mean to be embedded in a living environment of diverse interests and expectations? How will you relate to demanding stakeholders around you, ranging from academia to economy, from civil society to policy makers or media?

The session will collaboratively create a dynamic role-play, involving you into a mutual learning process. The stage and storyline will be based on the NUCLEUS project- defining universities as “cells”, living organisms forming clusters with other cells around them. Each participant will personify these “cells”, striving to create a productive metabolism between the main cell universities and other cells forming a cluster. We will use cards and other methodologies to start conversations about the ways to be a better “cell”-cluster. Participants will have better chances to discover their best collaborative ways, thanks to a new understanding of some of the mechanisms that happen in real life while bringing RRI into practice.


NUCLEUS project - Are you ready to perform in RRI ecosystem?

DAY 1 - 17:30

Theatrical workshop: Are you ready to perform in the RRI ecosystem?

See full programme here.

Alexandros Koukovinis


Mr. Koukovinis graduated from the Department of Pedagogy for Primary Education and is a postgraduate student in Educational Technology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of University of Athens. He started working in 2012 at promotion and public relations companies In 2013 he worked at Media Markt headquarters in the communications and customers’ service department while at the same time he was a researcher in European projects for the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Since 2016 he’s been working for Science View where he manages and implements European projects, he participates in the production team of “Science Views” monthly bulletin and he is also responsible for Science View’s websites and social media.



Nucleus H2020 EU project

Are you ready to perform in the rri ecosystem



a) Exercise different ways of collaboration, when it comes to understand how Responsible Research and Innovation is communicated and performed.
b) Learn techniques that come from the theatrical field to facilitate dialogues and encounters between different stakeholders.


RRI is everywhere, but what does it really mean to be embedded in a living environment of diverse interests and expectations? How will you relate to demanding stakeholders around you, ranging from academia to economy, from civil society to policy makers or media?

The session will collaboratively create a dynamic role-play, involving you into a mutual learning process. The stage and storyline will be based on the NUCLEUS project- defining universities as “cells”, living organisms forming clusters with other cells around them. Each participant will personify these “cells”, striving to create a productive metabolism between the main cell universities and other cells forming a cluster. We will use cards and other methodologies to start conversations about the ways to be a better “cell”-cluster. Participants will have better chances to discover their best collaborative ways, thanks to a new understanding of some of the mechanisms that happen in real life while bringing RRI into practice.

DAY 1 - 17:30

Theatrical workshop: Are you ready to perform in the RRI ecosystem?

See full programme here.

Caroline Sutton


Caroline Sutton is Head of Open Scholarship Development at Taylor & Francis. Caroline has been engaged with the open landscape and open access for many years, having been one of the co-founders of Co-Action Publishing and the first President of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). She serves on various boards including the OpenAIRE+ Advisory Board. Caroline holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Uppsala in Sweden.


Research lifecycles in the humanities and social sciences


A host of initiatives have moved the open agenda beyond simply open access to journal articles or monographs to a consideration of the entire research lifecycle and points at which this can be opened up. Further, we are entering a second phase of open scholarship whereby the community is now seeking to link together the many scattered solutions for different pieces of the research lifecycle. Open Scholarship offers an important opportunity for scholars in the social sciences and humanities. Although open access has gained traction more recently, it is well-known that widespread adoption of and transition to open access to journals and monographs has lagged behind many other subject areas for a host of reasons. Engaging scholars in these subject areas in open scholarship more broadly offers and opportunity to approach open from a multitude of angles. However, the research lifecycle that is presented and visualized by those engaged in open science typically visualises that of a scientist working within STEM fields. This follows an expected pattern (e.g. planning, implementation, publishing, discovery and impact, preservation, re-use) or sets of patterns in the form of sub-cycles (e.g. planning cycle, project cycle, publication cycle, preservation cycle, impact). These visualisations do not align with the process of scholarly inquiry that many humanities scholars and qualitative social scientists are engaged in and risks marginalising some communities. Imagine a professor of music, who creates bits of initially unrelated compositions and harmonies, which arose out of inspiration derived from listening to a gentle brook. These might give rise to new understandings of former theories of music or push forward techniques. The aim of this workshop is to work together with scholars to identify a series of research workflows that better reflect the processes of scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. Once lifecycles are drafted, participants will identify points of potential sharing and open opportunities. These points will then be associated with current solutions and gaps will be identified.


Research lifecycles in the humanities and social sciences

See full programme here.